1. only a matter of time 只是时间问题
From the time of Shang Yang onward, Ch'in's steadily growing power made it only a matter of time before it would triumph over its rivals.
从商鞅时代起,秦的国力就在不断壮大,战胜其他敌国无非是一个时间问题 。
2. in a violent way 激烈地;猛烈地
My two boys like to compete against each other and play in a violent way.
我的两个儿子喜欢相互比拼,闹得得挺激烈 。
3. desperate to 不顾一切地;
She was desperate to get out of prison, to return to her husband and children.
她迫切地想离开监狱,回到丈夫和孩子们身边 。
4. come to a screeching halt 戛然而止;突然停下来
The car came to a screeching halt.
车子突然停了下来 。
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