It has been nearly 150 years since the publication of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,
and scientists are still searching for the truth about many of the creatures and features of the deep.
"IMMORTAL" JELLYFISH. Could this tiny jelly hold the secret to curing cancer?
Smaller than a pinkie nail, this creature has the Benjamin Button–like ability to revert to its polyp state,
the earliest stage of its life, when threatened with starvation or injury, earning the nick-name immortal jellyfish for how it appears to outsmart death.
Although the species, Turritopsis dohrnii, has been known about for a hundred years, researchers didn't discover this capacity until the 1990s.

They are now wondering whether the jellyfish's ability to regress and regrow could help fight diseases such as cancer in humans.
GIANT OARFISH. These snakelike creatures are the longest bony fish on Earth—they can grow to up to 56 feet.
But they live at depths of around 3,300 feet, so not much is known about them.
Two dead giant oarfish were found on California's shores in 2013,
prompting scientists to study samples from their remains to see whether storms, starvation, or illness potentially caused their deaths.
THE PURPLE ORB. In 2016, researchers found a single purple blob about the size of a pool ball in an underwater canyon off California's coast.
Stumped as to what it could be, they nick-named it Blobus purpilis. Research is ongoing, but one hypothesis is that it is distantly related to snails.
他们被这可能是什么难住了,给它起了个绰号叫“Blobus purpilis”。研究仍在继续,有一种假设是它和蜗牛有远亲关系。
CHALLENGER DEEP. This spot in the ocean near Guam is the deepest point on Earth—nearly 7 miles down.
(Mount Everest is only 5.5 miles tall.) Located in the Mariana Trench, Challenger Deep has been visited by just three people:
two oceanographers in 1960 and filmmaker James Cameron in 2012.
It's completely dark and only a few degrees above freezing in the trench, and the pressure is intense: eight tons per square inch.
But marine life has managed to thrive. In fact, some researchers believe that life on Earth may have originated there.