1.battle cry 呐喊;战斗口号
He wanted to make society more inclusive. This is always the battle cry of revolutionary leaders.
他希望社会更包容一些,这也是革命领导者通用的战斗口号 。
2.pick up on 察觉到;注意到
This is something you would expect a skilled negotiator to pick up on.
一个熟练的谈判者应该要能察觉到这个问题 。
3.politically motivated 政治动机不纯
He understood that this whole deportation thing was politically motivated.
他知道,整个驱逐事件政治动机不纯 。
4.witch hunt 政治迫害
The last time a Democrat sat in the White House, he faced a nonstop witch hunt by his political opponents.
上次那个民主党人入主白宫时,就遇到了政治对手无休无止的迫害 。
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