The ride to the hospital took about 20 minutes.
The double doors of the ambulance opened to the sunlight, and from there it was straight to the emergency room, where, for the next eight hours, I kept dying.
I would flatline, someone would do CPR, and they'd pull me back from the abyss.
They did this over and over. People had to keep rotating because keeping me alive was exhausting.
At the same time, the orthopedic-trauma team was debriding my insides—cleaning out the gravel and rocks and debris.
My stomach was ripped open, my backside was ripped open, my pelvic bone was severed.
The pelvis holds up all the vital organs, so when it's compromised, internal hemorrhaging doesn't stop.
On top of that, my left femoral artery was severed. The blood would run through me and right out again, over and over.
Our bodies hold roughly ten pints of blood. That day, I went through 78 pints—eight bodies' worth.
At times, I had lost so much blood that there was nothing left for my heart to pump.
Twelve hours after I'd left for work that morning, I was stable enough that Sean was allowed to see me in the ICU.
I had tubes running into my nose and mouth. I was bloodied and swollen. My belly was so distended that I looked like I was pregnant with triplets.
Sean gingerly took my cut-up hand in his. He had been by my side for only a minute when a nurse saw red fluids staining my gown again.
"You need to leave. We have to keep working on her. Now!" she said firmly.
He kissed my forehead and said a quick prayer before being ushered back to the visitors' lounge.
With the odds stacked against me, the doctors decided to place me in an induced coma,
a lifesaving step that slows down brain function and reduces swelling in order to prevent or lessen brain damage.
During this period, I was in and out of surgery several times. Once, I woke up just as the surgeon was starting to operate on me.
I saw a bright light and masked faces hovering over me. I remember my chest rising and falling, but I couldn't take a breath.
As I woke, the pain hit hard, but I couldn't move or communicate no matter how hard I tried.

Well, except for my fingers. "Her fingers are moving," someone in the room said.
"There's no way her fingers could be moving. She's out," someone else said. I'm right here! I wanted to scream. I can hear you!
"Maybe she's having a seizure." Then another masked face appeared right in front of my face, and I remember a strange smell, and then everything went dark again.
They wrote "mild seizure" on my chart. People have the wrong idea about what a medically induced coma is.
They think it means you're totally unconscious, unable to see or hear or respond in any way.
But that's not how it is. For weeks after the trauma, I felt like I was locked in a nightmare, imprisoned in my body.
Sometimes I was unconscious, but other times I existed in a state that has no easy comparison.
I couldn't focus on anyone or anything, but I could hear sounds and feel sensations.
I was so hot all the time that it felt as if my body were on fire.
I began having thoughts that were almost hallucinations about lying in a pool of water.