I think after game 4, it was a tough tough fight and then the lock room just cuz,
You lose two in a row at home, nobody likes that feeling at all, especially the finals and It's kind of a Little self-reflection of know what do we need to do and what we need to correct for us to stay alive,
But, No, I wouldn't say we're down at all, mostly just Anxious for tomorrow to get just get out there and and and play a great basketball game.
And I think we're confident in that fact that we can do that.

our best bet for us as block out as much noise as possible.
Have a great practice today, we hone in on the details that we need to correct and Will it come with the right mindset of the energy,
and effort we need to play with, with our backs against the wall, and,
Again like I just kind of said earlier, we know we can do it, Just a matter (of) proving it.
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