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经济学人:一周要闻 美欧贸易摩擦加剧

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  • The world this week
  • 本周要闻
  • Business
  • 商业
  • A 15-year dispute over subsidies in the aerospace industry came to a partial climax
  • 一场关于航空工业补贴的长达15年的争论达到了部分高潮
  • when the World Trade Organisation ruled that America could levy $7.5bn-worth of tariffs on exports from the European Union because of the illegal aid given to Airbus.
  • 由于向空客提供非法援助,世界贸易组织裁定美国可对欧盟出口产品征收价值75亿美元的关税。
  • Next year the wto will probably approve European penalties on America because of its aid to Boeing.
  • 明年世贸组织可能会批准欧洲对美国的处罚,因为美国向波音公司提供了援助。
  • The decision adds to already heightened trade tensions.
  • 这一决定加剧了本已紧张的贸易局势。
  • America said it would start imposing the tariffs on October 18th, of 10% on aircraft and 25% on a range of other goods, including cheese, olives, wine and whiskey.
  • 美国表示,将从10月18日起对飞机征收10%的关税,对包括奶酪、橄榄、葡萄酒和威士忌在内的一系列其他商品征收25%的关税。
  • Earlier, the WTO said it now expects global trade flows to increase by just 1.2% this year,
  • 早些时候,世贸组织表示,预计今年全球贸易流量将仅增长1.2%,
  • down from the 2.6% it forecast in April and the slowest pace since the financial crisis.
  • 低于4月份预测的2.6%,也是金融危机以来的最低增速。
  • Unresolved trade conflicts have led to greater uncertainty about policy, causing businesses to put off investment.
  • 未解决的贸易冲突导致了政策更大的不确定性,导致企业推迟投资。
  • The growth of exports and imports slowed across all regions in the first half of 2019.
  • 2019年上半年,所有地区的进出口增长均有所放缓。
  • Meanwhile, an index of American manufacturing fell to its lowest level since June 2009.
  • 与此同时,美国制造业指数跌至2009年6月以来的最低水平。
  • The chairman of Credit Suisse said the bank had been wrong to conduct surveillance on Iqbal Khan, a former executive, over fears he would lure away staff and clients.
  • 瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)董事长表示,该行对前高管伊克巴尔·汗(Iqbal Khan)进行监视是错误的,因为担心他会挖走员工和客户。
  • The bank's chief operating officer, who admitted to acting alone in ordering the operation, and the head of security, resigned.
  • 该行的首席运营官(他承认是私自下令实施了此次行动)以及安全部门负责人辞职。
  • A review by a law firm called in by Switzerland's second-biggest bank cleared Tidjane Thiam, the chief executive, of any involvement.
  • 瑞士第二大银行召集的一家律师事务所进行的审查表明,首席执行官迪德简·蒂亚姆(Tidjane Thiam)没有参与此事。
  • Mr Thiam had an acrimonious relationship with Mr Khan; the pair reportedly had a blazing row at a cocktail party in January.
  • 蒂亚姆与伊克巴尔·汗的关系紧张;据报道,这对冤家曾在一月份的鸡尾酒会上大吵一架。
  • Wells Fargo named Charles Scharf as its new chief executive, six months after Tim Sloan resigned in the aftermath of a mis-selling scandal.
  • 富国银行(Wells Fargo)任命查尔斯·沙夫(Charles Scharf)为新任首席执行官。6个月前,蒂姆·斯隆(Tim Sloan)因不当销售丑闻辞职。
  • Mr Scharf has led Bank of New York Mellon and Visa and was a senior executive at JPMorgan Chase during the financial crisis.
  • 沙夫曾领导纽约梅隆银行(Bank of New York Mellon)和维萨银行(Visa),并在金融危机期间担任摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)高管。
  • India's central bankreassured the public that the banking system is "safe and stable and there is no need to panic" as another scandal emerged.
  • 随着另一起丑闻的曝光,印度央行再次向公众保证,银行系统是“安全稳定的,没有必要恐慌”。
  • Curbs had to be imposed on withdrawals by nervous savers from Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank as it came under scrutiny for financial irregularities.
  • 由于旁遮普邦和马哈拉施特拉邦合作银行(Maharashtra co - operation Bank)受到金融违规行为的审查,紧张不安的储户不得不限制提款。
  • Another bank faced restrictions on its ability to make new loans.
  • 另一家银行在发放新贷款方面受到限制。


The world this week

A 15-year dispute over subsidies in the aerospace industry came to a partial climax when the World Trade Organisation ruled that America could levy $7.5bn-worth of tariffs on exports from the European Union because of the illegal aid given to Airbus. Next year the wto will probably approve European penalties on America because of its aid to Boeing. The decision adds to already heightened trade tensions. America said it would start imposing the tariffs on October 18th, of 10% on aircraft and 25% on a range of other goods, including cheese, olives, wine and whiskey.


Earlier, the WTO said it now expects global trade flows to increase by just 1.2% this year, down from the 2.6% it forecast in April and the slowest pace since the financial crisis. Unresolved trade conflicts have led to greater uncertainty about policy, causing businesses to put off investment. The growth of exports and imports slowed across all regions in the first half of 2019. Meanwhile, an index of American manufacturing fell to its lowest level since June 2009.

The chairman of Credit Suisse said the bank had been wrong to conduct surveillance on Iqbal Khan, a former executive, over fears he would lure away staff and clients. The banks chief operating officer, who admitted to acting alone in ordering the operation, and the head of security, resigned. A review by a law firm called in by Switzerlands second-biggest bank cleared Tidjane Thiam, the chief executive, of any involvement. Mr Thiam had an acrimonious relationship with Mr Khan; the pair reportedly had a blazing row at a cocktail party in January.
瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)董事长表示,该行对前高管伊克巴尔·汗(Iqbal Khan)进行监视是错误的,因为担心他会挖走员工和客户。该行的首席运营官(他承认是私自下令实施了此次行动)以及安全部门负责人辞职。瑞士第二大银行召集的一家律师事务所进行的审查表明,首席执行官迪德简·蒂亚姆(Tidjane Thiam)没有参与此事。蒂亚姆与伊克巴尔·汗的关系紧张;据报道,这对冤家曾在一月份的鸡尾酒会上大吵一架。
Wells Fargo named Charles Scharf as its new chief executive, six months after Tim Sloan resigned in the aftermath of a mis-selling scandal. Mr Scharf has led Bank of New York Mellon and Visa and was a senior executive at JPMorgan Chase during the financial crisis.
富国银行(Wells Fargo)任命查尔斯·沙夫(Charles Scharf)为新任首席执行官。6个月前,蒂姆·斯隆(Tim Sloan)因不当销售丑闻辞职。沙夫曾领导纽约梅隆银行(Bank of New York Mellon)和维萨银行(Visa),并在金融危机期间担任摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)高管。
Indias central bankreassured the public that the banking system issafe and stable and there is no need to panicas another scandal emerged. Curbs had to be imposed on withdrawals by nervous savers from Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank as it came under scrutiny for financial irregularities. Another bank faced restrictions on its ability to make new loans.
随着另一起丑闻的曝光,印度央行再次向公众保证,银行系统是“安全稳定的,没有必要恐慌”。由于旁遮普邦和马哈拉施特拉邦合作银行(Maharashtra co - operation Bank)受到金融违规行为的审查,紧张不安的储户不得不限制提款。另一家银行在发放新贷款方面受到限制。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st]


n. 预测,预报
v. 预测

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

chase [tʃeis]


n. 追求,狩猎,争取
vt. 追捕,狩猎



adj. 无决断力的;未解决的;不果断的

climax ['klaimæks]


n. 高潮,极点,层进法,[生]顶极群落

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

ordering ['ɔ:dəriŋ]


n. [计]定序;排序;订购 v. 命令;指挥;订购(o





