Tsze-kung said, "Alas! Your words, sir, show you to be a superior man, but four horses cannot overtake the tongue.
Ornament is as substance, substance is as ornament. The hide of a tiger or a leopard stripped of its hair, is like the hide of a dog or a goat stripped of its hair."
The Duke Ai inquired of Yu Zo, saying, "The year is one of scarcity, and the returns for expenditure are not sufficient, what is to be done?"
Yu Zo replied to him, "Why not simply tithe the people?"
"With two tenths" said the duke, "I find it not enough, how could I do with that system of one tenth?"

Yu Zo answered, "If the people have plenty, their prince will not be left to want alone. If the people are in want, their prince cannot enjoy plenty alone."
Tsze-chang having asked how virtue was to be exalted, and delusions to be discovered,
the Master said, "Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles, and be moving continually to what is right, this is the way to exalt one's virtue.
You love a man and wish him to live, you hate him and wish him to die; Having wished him to live, you also wish him to die, this is a case of delusion.
'It may not be on account of her being rich, yet you come to make a difference.'"