Is it when I pray? Is it when I'm around people who are funny? When is it the most me?
Here is the list. Take just a minute to look at them. They are divided into six categories. There are 24 character strengths.
And I just want you to be exposed to it right now. Because, again, for your homework, you'll get a print-out of all the strengths with description. Just take a few seconds to look through them.

And ask yourself: who are you? When it comes to these strengths. OK. Here's what we are going to do. What we are going to do now is I'm going to introduce you to two exercises. Two exercises that build on the VIA, that build on this questionnaire, that build on your identifying your personal character strengths.
The first exercise you are actually going to be doing- that's next week, for your response paper. The second exercise is one that I highly recommend doing- for lack of time, we can't also do that.
The first one- and this is based on research, done by Peterson and his colleagues- has been showing remarkable effects, remarkable consequences in terms of well being as well as in terms of success.