The Brazilian real fell to a new low against the dollar, after Brazil’s finance minister said he was “not worried” about a strong greenback. The slide prompted a brief intervention by the central bank to prop up the currency. The country’s current-account deficit has risen sharply this year, and interest rates have tumbled.
Google reportedly fired four employees who had been active in organising protests at the company and had apparently tried to gain access to private internal documents. The tech giant pioneered an office culture that mixes politics with work, which it may now regret. Vociferous staff have pressed management to drop an ai contract for the Pentagon and have walked out over sexual harassment and a search-engine project for the Chinese government. Their latest gripe is Google’s work for immigration enforcement. Google has told employees to tone it down and reduced staff meetings to one a month.

In an effort to boost profits and its feeble share price, Telefónica announced a plan to hive off its operations in Spanish-speaking Latin America and focus on its core markets in Spain, Brazil, Germany and Britain, where it brands itself as O2. The telecoms group also wants to expand its business in the internet of things and cloud computing.
On the lookout for new superdrugs that will replenish its portfolio, Novartis offered to buy The Medicines Company for $9.7bn. TMC’s crown jewel is inclisiran, a treatment that has been found to be highly effective in drug trials at reducing “bad” cholesterol, and which a patient needs to inject only twice a year.
为了寻找新型超级药物充实其投资组合,诺华提出以97亿美元收购The Medicines Company。TMC的镇店之宝是inclisiran,一种在药物试验中被发现在降低“坏”胆固醇方面非常有效的治疗方法,病人一年只需要注射两次。
America’s Federal Aviation Administration said it alone would inspect the 737 max before it is returned to service, relieving Boeing of the exercise and signalling that it will sign off each jet individually. That could potentially extend the time frame that Boeing has in mind for resuming deliveries of the grounded aircraft to airlines.
美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration,简称FAA)表示,在737 max飞机恢复使用前,它将单独对其进行检查,此举将使波音公司从演习中解脱出来,并发出信号,表示它将单独对每架飞机进行检查。这可能会延长波音公司恢复向航空公司交付停飞飞机的时间。
Tesla’s share price struggled to recover from the drubbing it took after an unforeseen event at the launch of its new Cybertruck, which has been described as a cross between a futuristic car from “Blade Runner” and a SpongeBob SquarePants character. The vehicle’s supposedly armoured-glass windows shattered when a steel ball was hurled at them during a demonstration. “Maybe that was a little too hard,” said a startled Elon Musk, Tesla’s boss.
特斯拉(Tesla)新推出的赛博卡车(Cybertruck)在发布时发生了一件意料之外的事情,导致该公司股价遭受重创,此后该公司股价一直难以从打击中恢复过来。赛博卡车被形容为《银翼杀手》(Blade Runner)中未来汽车与《海绵宝宝》(SpongeBob SquarePants)角色的混合体。在一次展示活动中,一颗钢球砸向汽车上的装甲玻璃后,玻璃碎了一地。特斯拉的老板埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)得知后震惊地表示:“或许砸的太用力了。”
Lee Sedol, a Go champion, who in 2016 lost a celebrated match against AlphaGo, an artificial-intelligence program, announced his retirement. ai programs now compete in tournaments. Mr Lee reflected: “Even if I become number one, there is an entity that cannot be defeated.”
围棋冠军李世石(Lee Sedol)宣布退役。2016年,他在与人工智能程序AlphaGo的著名比赛中失利。人工智能程序现在可以参加锦标赛。李世石反思称:“即使我成为第一,也有一个不可战胜的实体。”