1.problems with sth. ……出现了问题
He began to turn over in the air when his chute opened, and there were problems with the lines at first.
降落伞打开之后,他开始在空中翻转 。最开始的时候,绳索出现了一些问题 。
2.handling of 对……的处理
The general subject here is the correct handling of contradictions among the people and those between ourselves and the enemy.
通常题目都是正确地处理人民内部的矛盾和敌我矛盾 。
3.the strength of ……的实力
Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. "
拉里贾尼称,美国对巴勒斯坦问题的处理不仅体现了实力的减弱,也体现了美国在伊拉克寸步难行”的处境 。
4.promoted by 推动;鼓吹
Moral relativism, cloaked in jargon, was on the march, promoted by the tedious, despicable know-alls of the supposedly educated classes.
道德相对主义,经由所谓的知识分子阶级之中乏味卑劣且自称无所不知的人一路炒作,正披着各种名义的外衣大步前行 。
v. 夸大的叙述,夸张