Jay was overwhelmed with emotion. "I started looking at faces and features.
I'm looking for the physical connection to our DNA. Just taking it in," he says.
"You're kind of almost dazed because you find yourself in a situation that most African Americans really believe you can never step into,
That can never happen, and that's to find the part of your DNA that comes from Africa."
Once Jay composed himself and got out of the car, people cheered and chanted his name.
He smiled and waved while walking through the crowd. When he and his interpreter reached the palace,
He received a quick lesson in royal etiquette—what he should do when the king entered and how he should address Beninese royalty.
In the throne room, the king welcomed Jay home, and they spoke about his trip through their interpreters.
Later that night, Jay participated in a ritual that was to show whether his ancestors would accept him into the family.
(Luckily, they did.) How Jay's royal ancestors came to America from Africa remains a mystery.
Benin was once home to one of West Africa's biggest slave ports.
African royalty would sell war captives into slavery,
And some would allow royal family members to travel with European merchants to the New World, where they would usually end up being enslaved.

Jay's Beninese relatives told him the royal family of Allada would not have sold their own people into slavery,
But they couldn't tell him how his ancestors had ended up on a slave ship.
He is still grappling with being a descendant of slaves and people who led others into slavery,
But that knowledge doesn't keep him from embracing his Beninese heritage.
"i've stepped into my identity," he says. "I can point to a place on the map and say,
'The Speights family comes from here, right here.' We're a royal family. We have a history.
We're tied into a much larger narrative." In fact, Jay has continued to deepen his connection to his homeland.
When they met, the king gave him "princely duties": Once he got back to Maryland,
He was to look for ways to bring clean water to the village surrounding the palace in Allada and to promote the kingdom in the United States.
Now Jay is partnering with the Rotary Club of Alexandria West in Alexandria, Virginia, to raise money to build wells in the village.
He also serves as an ambassador to the kingdom's diaspora, searching for others who have DNA from Allada (primarily through GED Match) and introducing them to their ancestral home.
他现在还是王国以外的大使,寻找拥有阿里达DNA的人(主要通过GED Match数据库),并且把他们介绍到祖先的家中。
After all, not everyone can be lucky enough to be handed the king's phone number.