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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Most plays restated the basic action of a Bible story, though guilds would dress stories up with anachronistic jokes and the occasional bit of troubling anti-Semitism.

大多的戏剧都重述了圣经故事里的基本情节 尽管公会会用过时的笑话和偶尔出现的令人不安的反犹太主义来粉饰故事
Plays were typically a mix of highly stylized action and contemporary realism.
And authors were mostly anonymous, although a couple of Frenchmen signed their plays about the lives of saints, also known as miracle plays.
作者大多是匿名的 虽然有几个法国人给自己的戏剧贴上了“圣人生活”的标签 也被称为奇迹剧
Medieval stagecraft wasn't the most sophisticated–when your stage is a wagon, there are limits–but guilds wanted to put on a good show, so there were plenty of special effects, like trap doors, fake corpses, fake blood and some fire effects.
中世纪的舞台艺术并不是最复杂的—如果舞台是一辆马车 那么就会有限制—但是公会想要演一出好戏 要有很多特效 比如陷阱门、假尸体、假血以及一些火焰特效
I know, right? Don't tell the fire marshall guild!
我懂 对吗?不要告诉火灾马歇尔协会!
One of the best preserved and best loved of the cycle plays is "The Second Shepherd's Play."
This English work is part of the Wakefield Cycle.
It was composed by an anonymous writer sometime in the 15th century, known only as the Wakefield Master.
是在15世纪的某个时候由一位匿名作家创作的 只知道他当时被称为威克菲尔德·马斯特
It's called "The Second Shepherd's Play," because there's an earlier shepherd's play in the same manuscript trove.
被叫作《第二部牧羊人剧》 是因为在同一个手稿库里还有一部更早的牧羊人剧
Let's take it to the, Thoughtbubble:
It's freezing cold in a meadow somewhere in the Middle East (that looks a lot like the north of England).
在中东某个地方的牧场上(看起来很像英格兰北部) 天气非常寒冷。
Coll, the first shepherd, enters … and complains about the weather.
第一个牧羊人科尔出场了 他抱怨糟糕的天气
Then a second shepherd, Gib, arrives.
之后第二个牧羊人 给布 入场
He complains about the weather, too, and also about his wife, who he says is fat.
他也抱怨天气太糟糕 还抱怨他的妻子 说她太胖
A third shepherd, Daw, shows up, saying, "Christ's cross me speed," which is odd because Christ hasn't been born yet. Oh! And he also complains about the weather.
第三个牧羊人 道 出场了 他说 “耶稣保佑” 这句话很奇怪 因为耶稣还没出生哪!哦!他也在抱怨天气
HASHTAG RELATABLE Northern England content right here, huh?
这话题标签很适合英格兰北部(暗指英格兰北部天气不好) 嗯?
Then Mak enters. Mak is a sheep stealer.
之后 马克 出场了 马克是一个偷羊的小偷


He tries to trick the shepherds, but they're onto him.

马克想欺骗牧羊人 但是被牧羊人识破了
eventually they bond about how terrible Mak's drunk, baby-having wife is, and everyone goes to sleep. Except Mak!
最后 他们开始聊天 马克说自己是个十足的酒鬼 家里还有带孩子的老婆 聊着聊着大家就都睡着了 除了马克
He puts a spell on the rest, and runs off with a sheep, bringing it home to his wife Gill, who's like, "Way to go. Now you're going to be hanged."
他对其他人施了魔法 然后偷了一只羊跑了 他把羊带到家里给妻子吉尔 妻子说“你真棒 现在你要被绞死了”
But Mak is like, "Come on! It's meat!"
但是马克说“得了吧 这是肉!”
So Gill comes up with a plan to put the sheep in the cradle and say it's a baby.
于是吉尔想了一个计划 把羊放在摇篮里 就说它是个婴儿
Good thinking, Gill.
真聪明 吉尔
Back in the meadow, Mak pretends to wake up alongside the shepherds, but they realize a sheep is missing, and go to search his house.
回到牧场 马克假装和牧羊人一起醒来 但牧羊人发现羊少了一只 于是他们去搜马克的家
Gill fends them off, joking about eating the baby, which is maybe about the Eucharist? But also about cannibalism?
吉尔把他们挡在了一边 开玩笑说要把孩子吃掉 可能是圣餐?也可能是食人?
The shepherds take off, but then they're like, "Oh wait, we forgot to bring gifts for the baby."
牧羊人离开了 但是他们又想到 “哦 等下 我们忘了给孩子带礼物了”
So they come back and find the sheep!
于是他们又返了回来 并发现了自家的羊
Instead of hanging Mak, they decide to roll him up in a cloth and beat him black and blue.
他们没有把马克掉起来 而是决定用一块布把他裹起来 揍得鼻青脸肿
Hooray! Another one of those famous happy Christian endings!
Thanks, Thoughtbubble.
Wait… wasn't that supposed to be a Bible story?
等下 这不是圣经里的故事吗?
Well, after the shepherd's leave, an angel comes down and tells them to go to Bethlehem and see the Christ child.
嗯 牧羊人离开后 有个天使下来了 天使让他们去伯利恒(耶稣降生地)看圣婴
Bethlehem is conveniently very nearby.
伯利恒离得很近 很方便
They go visit Mary and the little baby Jesus, bringing him cherries, a bird, and a tennis ball. That's not a joke. An actual tennis ball.
他们去看望玛丽和小婴儿耶稣 给他带了樱桃、一只小鸟以及一个网球 对 你没有听错 就是网球
In this play, we can see the Bible story, mostly borrowed from the gospel of Luke, intersect pretty comfortably with the English vernacular: entertaining an audience while also celebrating Jesus.
我们可以看到 这部剧里有圣经故事 大都是从路加福音里借鉴的 同时还很好很恰当地融合了英语方言:赞美基督的同时还能让观众开心一笑
It's comic and dramatic, serious and silly, high and low, religious and folkloric.
这部剧既是戏剧又是喜剧 既严肃又滑稽 既高大上又接地气 既推崇宗教也不摒弃世俗
It reminds the audience that Christ was born to save northern English shepherds, as well as biblical types. And there's just a little cannibalism—you know, for fun.
它给观众带来警示:基督的诞生是为了拯救英国北部的牧羊人 还有圣经 同时还带有一点点的食人倾向 你懂 为了娱乐效果
Cycle plays weren't the only fun in town, though.
不过 观看循环剧并不是城镇里唯一的寻乐方式
Pretty soon another form of medieval drama made its debut: the secular play!
不久后 中世纪的另一种戏剧就要登场了:世俗剧
Which first appeared in France in the late 13th century.
These plays were often based on folklore, hence "The Play of the Greenwood," which includes both fairies and townspeople, and "The Play of Robin and Marion," which is the first dramatization of the Robin Hood stories.
这种剧通常以民间传说为基础 所以《绿林好戏》里既有仙女也有市民 《罗宾与玛里昂的嬉戏》是罗宾汉故事的第一部改编剧
We're still dramatizing this one seven hundred years later, though now with Kevin Costner and the soothing pipes of Bryan Adams.
700年后的今天 我们还在不断将其改编成戏剧 只不过演员变成了凯文·科斯特纳 背景音乐是布莱恩·亚当斯那抒情的长笛声
The other important medieval genre is the morality play, which Hildegarde of Bingen started.
中世纪另一种重要的戏剧是道德剧 创始人是宾根的希尔德加德
The most famous morality play is "Everyman," which is still performed annually and often updated.
最出名的道德剧是《世人》 它至今每年都会上演 而且还在不断更新
Morality plays have one simple message: YOU GONNA DIE.
道德剧传达着一个简单的讯息 那就是:你要挂了
So you'd better get your act together, because all that love and wealth and fun aren't gonna follow you six feet under. Right, Yorick?
所以你最好好好筹划一番 因为所有的爱、钱财以及快乐都不会随你入土 对吧 尤里克?
You know what will follow you? Good deeds. So go help some old ladies cross a cattle path.
你知道接下来该做什么吗?做善事 所以 要乐于帮助老婆婆过牛道
Morality plays have a huge influence on the plays of the English Renaissance.
Mystery, folk, and morality plays had a good run. They remained the dominant forms of theater for more than 300 years.
推理剧、民间剧和道德剧都很受欢迎 三百多年的历史长河中 它们一直是主打的戏剧形式
And as I mentioned, "Everyman" is still being performed today. So take that, "Cats!"
就像我说过的 《世人》至今都还在上演 所以 去看吧 猫儿们!
But things get tricky at the beginning of the Renaissance when Protestant reformers look around and decide that drama and religion shouldn't mix, and they ban cycle dramas.
但在文艺复兴初期 事情变得有些棘手 新教改革者琢磨来琢磨去 决定将戏剧和宗教分离开来 并且对循环剧进行了禁止
Happy trails, pageant wagons. Until next time… curtain!
快乐的羊肠小道 游行马车 下次见……闭幕!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
secular ['sekjulə]


n. 牧师,凡人 adj. 世俗的,现世的,不朽的

renaissance [rə'neisəns]


n. 文艺复兴,再生

manuscript ['mænjuskript]


adj. 手抄的
n. 手稿,原稿

anonymous [ə'nɔniməs]


adj. 匿名的,无名的,没特色的

conflict ['kɔnflikt]


n. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗
vi. 冲突,争

pageant ['pædʒənt]


n. 盛会,游行,壮丽的场面,选美

curtain ['kə:tən]


n. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布)
vt. (用帘)装

trap [træp]


n. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车
v. 设

debut ['debju]


n. 初次登场,首次露面 v. 初次登场

composed [kəm'pəuzd]


adj. 镇静的,沉着的





