What's up everybody? I know this time is pretty hectic and crazy and there's a lot of uncertainty out there. But,
just wanna take the time to encourage everybody to practice social distancing to the best of their abilities I know,
people are in a lot of different situations and a lot of demands from person to person. But,
as best we can practice social distancing, so we can get rid of the spread of this virus as soon as possible flatten the curve,

make sure you stay six feet away from people, wash your hands when you're going inside outside as much as you can, water and soap.
And we can all come together collectively to stop the spread of this virus, so,
everybody do their part, I'm doing mine, My homie and my family really enjoy family time. But as best you can social distancing yourself,
and we can flatten the curve and get rid of this virus as soon as possible, appreciate it, stop the spread, let's do it.
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