But the Greek Freak is averaging more assists than Chamberlain and more rebounds than Harden in those respective seasons.
He's been handling his business so quickly and efficiently, leading the Bucks to several blowout wins in the process,
that he hasn't been forced to exert himself down the stretch of many close finishes.
What LeBron James was accomplishing in his 17th season was truly remarkable.
The same could be said for his 16th season and his 15th season and any season that he has been on an NBA court.

James continues to evolve, adjust and use his superior skill and intelligence to compensate for any slight decline in athleticism.
With Anthony Davis on his side, James decided to embrace his inner point guard and will end up leading the league in assists for the first time.
Settling into a role as set-up man, however, hasn't diminished James's ability to get buckets.
James was able to – amazingly – run another lap about Father Time, which will eventually catch him.
The uncertainly of when that moment when either injury or age slows him down only heightens the urgency of the chase.
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