Our focus has been neck up; and most of what happens to us is neck down.
我们关注的大多是脖子以上 而真正发生在我们身上的问题都在脖子以下
Now hearing this was very important for me.
It was double important hearing from Martin Seligman for various reasons.
尤其是从马丁·塞利格曼 那里听到 就更为重要了
First of all, Martin Seligman has always been ahead of the game.
首先 马丁·塞利格曼总是走在前面的
He has, you know, brought cognitive psychology into…
when it wasn't, it was hardly known, when behaviorism was dominant.
在它还未盛行 行为主义还是主流的时候
So his research is ahead of his time. He brought positive psychology, or integrated it as a unified field of study.
因此他的研究是超前于时代的 他开创了积极心理学 或者说将其整合为一门学科领域
And Martin Seligman-also the second thing beyond him being a visionary
马丁·塞利格曼 除了他是一个有远见并且

and very important psychologist-he was also one of the founders of cognitive psychology.
很重要的心理学家之外 他还是认知心理学的创始人之一
I mean, what is the cognitive therapy about? It's about neck up.
认知疗法是怎样的 就是关于脖子以上的
And for him to say, we have been focusing too much on neck-up and we need to go neck down.
按照他的说法 我们过分关注脖子以上 我们需要关注脖子以下
That means he thought about it a lot. That means he really studied this phenomenon
这就意味着他已经想了很多 这意味着他确实研究了这种现象
and really understands that we need a serious shift here. And he is very right.
确实了解了我们需要一个大的转型 而他十分正确
And this is the topic of the next two lectures.
In fact what I'm going to offer you is a "wonder drug". And this is only for students in 1504.
OK, the auditors as well. You can have that "wonder drug" too.
只提供给上1504课的学生 旁听的也算 你们也可以得到“灵药”
And here is what the "wonder drug" is going to be doing for you.
The "wonder drug" is going to make you feel good. Real good.
灵药能使你们感觉很好 非常好