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经济学人:一周要闻 特朗普"断供"WHO

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  • The world this week
  • 本周要闻
  • Politics
  • 政治
  • Donald Trump said that data suggested America was past the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak, as he mooted guidelines to reopen the economy.
  • 特朗普表示,数据表明美国已经度过了新冠肺炎疫情爆发的高峰期,同时还提出了重启经济的指导方针。
  • The president created a council to look at the options, some of whose members were surprised to be included.
  • 总统成立了一个委员会来研究这些内容,其中一些成员对于被纳入委员会一事感到惊讶。
  • Earlier he started a row with state governors who are trying to co-ordinate the lifting of some restrictions.
  • 早些时候,他与试图协调取消一些限制的州长们发生争执。
  • He claimed they needed his permission; the constitution says they don't.
  • 他声称各州长需要得到总统的许可;而宪法中并没有这一规定。
  • When a journalist asked Mr Trump what he had done all February to prepare for COVID, he called her "disgraceful".
  • 当一名记者询问,整个2月份采取了什么措施抗击疫情时,特朗普称她“问的太可耻了”。
  • Mr Trump said he would suspend American funding to the World Health Organisation, accusing it of pushing "China's misinformation" on the coronavirus.
  • 特朗普表示,他将暂停美国对世界卫生组织的资助,称该组织在冠状病毒问题上偏向“中国的误导性信息”。
  • Bernie Sanders bowed out as the sole remaining challenger to Joe Biden and endorsed his hitherto rival for president.
  • 伯尼·桑德斯退出竞选,导致乔·拜登成为唯一的挑战者,并为拜登竞选总统背书。
  • Mr Sanders said he was endorsing Mr Biden now so they can unite the Democratic Party in trying to defeat Mr Trump in November's election.
  • 桑德斯表示,他现在支持拜登,这样他们就能团结民主党,在11月的选举中击败特朗普。
  • A sailor serving on the USS Theodore Roosevelt died from COVID-19.
  • 西奥多·罗斯福号航空母舰上的一名水手死于新冠肺炎。
  • More than 600 crew members have now tested positive, including the former captain, who was sacked by the navy after he asked for help.
  • 目前已有600多名船员的检测结果呈阳性,其中包括前舰长,他在求助后遭解职。
  • He was fired for seeking assistance outside the proper lines of communication.
  • 解职理由是因为舰长在正常的通讯线路之外寻求帮助。
  • South Korea went ahead with legislative elections despite the COVID-19 epidemic. Turnout was high.
  • 尽管出现了新冠病毒疫情,韩国还是照常举行了立法选举。
  • The ruling Minjoo (Democratic) party won an outright majority in the unicameral national assembly.
  • 投票率很高。执政党共同民主党在一院制的国民议会中赢得了绝对多数。
  • Before the election Minjoo had been governing in coalition with several smaller parties.
  • 选举前,共同民主党与几个较小的政党联合执政。
  • Migrant workers protested in Mumbai and other Indian cities as the government extended the country's three week-old lockdown by a further three weeks.
  • 随着印度政府将为期三周的封锁再延长三周,孟买和其他印度城市的外来务工人员举行抗议。
  • The workers want to be able to return to their home villages, but are not able to because of the suspension of public transport.
  • 他们希望能够回到自己的家乡,但由于公共交通暂停,他们无法返回。
  • The government did relax restrictions on farming and construction work.
  • 不过,该国政府放宽了对农业和建筑工作的限制。
  • The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen began a unilateral two-week ceasefire aimed at stemming the spread of COVID-19.
  • 沙特领导的打击也门胡塞叛军的联盟开始了为期两周的单边停火,旨在遏制新冠疫情的蔓延。
  • Shortly after the move was announced, Yemen confirmed its first case of the virus (though it has carried out little testing).
  • 在宣布这一举措后不久,也门证实了首例新冠肺炎病例(尽管该国几乎没有进行任何检测)。
  • Years of war have devastated the country's health system.
  • 多年的战争摧毁了这个国家的卫生系统。
  • Despite calls for a ceasefire in Libya, fighting between the internationally recognised government and forces led by Khalifa Haftar, a rebellious general, continued.
  • 尽管利比亚呼吁停火,但国际社会认可的政府与反叛将领哈利法·哈夫塔(Khalifa Haftar)领导的部队之间的战斗仍在继续。
  • The government seized two towns, Surman and Sabratha, on the coast.
  • 政府夺回了沿岸的两个城镇苏尔曼(Surman)和萨卜拉塔(Sabratha)。
  • But it struggled to deal with a power cut in the besieged capital of Tripoli.
  • 但是,政府在解决被围困首都的黎波里的断电问题方面十分吃力。
  • Iraq's president nominated Mustafa al-Kadhimi, the intelligence chief, as prime minister.
  • 伊拉克总统提名情报部长穆斯塔法·卡迪米(Mustafa al-Kadhimi)为总理。
  • Mr Kadhimi is the third person tapped for the job since November, when Adel Abdul-Mahdi resigned under pressure from anti-government protests.
  • 自去年11月,阿德尔·阿卜杜勒-马赫迪(Adel Abdul-Mahdi)迫于反政府抗议活动的压力辞职以来,卡迪米是第三位被提名担任总理职务的人选。
  • The previous two nominees failed to win enough support in parliament to create a government.
  • 前两位提名者未能在议会赢得足够的支持来组建政府。
  • Economic shutdowns are leading to food-price inflation and shortages in several African countries including Zimbabwe, Kenya and Sudan.
  • 经济停滞导致粮食价格上涨,包括津巴布韦、肯尼亚和苏丹在内的几个非洲国家出现粮食短缺。
  • Aid groups such as the World Food Programme are struggling to respond because of restrictions on movement.
  • 由于行动受到限制,世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme)等援助机构很难做出回应。
  • The G20 said its member governments would suspend loan repayments from developing economies until the end of the year.
  • 20国集团表示,其成员国政府将把发展中经济体的债务偿还推迟到今年年底,并鼓励私人债权人加入。
  • It encouraged private creditors to do the same. Separately, the IMF postponed repayments from 25 countries.
  • 另外,国际货币基金组织推迟了25个国家的债务偿还期限。
  • A group including American anti-drug agents and Interpol arrested one of Brazil's most wanted suspected criminals,
  • 一个包括美国缉毒机构和国际刑警组织在内的组织
  • Gilberto Aparecido dos Santos (aka Fuminho), in Maputo, Mozambique's capital.
  • 在莫桑比克首都马普托逮捕了一名巴西头号通缉犯吉尔贝托·阿帕雷西多·多斯桑托斯(又名Fuminho)。
  • He allegedly trafficked cocaine worldwide as a leader of First Command of the Capital, a gang based in S?o Paulo, and evaded capture for 20 years.
  • 据称,他作为“第一资本司令部”(First Command of the Capital,总部位于圣保罗)的头目在全球贩卖可卡因,并潜逃了20年。
  • Several European countries moved to ease theirlockdowns.
  • 多个欧洲国家采取行动放松封锁措施。
  • In Spain work was allowed to restart in some factories and on construction sites, and in Italy some small shops were allowed to re-open.
  • 在西班牙,一些工厂和建筑工地的工作获准复工,在意大利,一些小商店被允许恢复营业。
  • Germany is allowing large shops to trade and schools to open; social-distancing measures remain in place.
  • 德国允许大型商店开张和学校开课;保持社交距离的措施依然存在。
  • But France and Britain extended their lockdowns into May.
  • 但法国和英国将封锁期限延长至5月。
  • Death tolls continued to rise across Europe, but in almost all instances at diminishing rates.
  • 欧洲各地的死亡人数继续上升,不过总体情况是新增比例出现下降。
  • The European Commission, stung by criticism that it has been absent during the crisis, outlined a roadmap
  • 因疫情期间不作为而备受指责的欧盟委员会列出了一份路线图,
  • that it hopes EU member states will follow to co-ordinate the easing of restrictions.
  • 希望欧盟成员国能够遵循该路线图,协调放松限制措施。
  • EU ministers agreed on an aid package of up to 540bn ($590bn) euros for hard-hit countries.
  • 欧盟各国部长同意向受疫情影响严重的国家提供高达5400亿欧元(5900亿美元)的一揽子援助计划。
  • The European Central Bank had said up to 1.5trn euros was needed.
  • 欧洲央行曾预期,该计划需要至多1.5万亿欧元。


The world this week


Donald Trump said that data suggested America was past the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak, as he mooted guidelines to reopen the economy. The president created a council to look at the options, some of whose members were surprised to be included. Earlier he started a row with state governors who are trying to co-ordinate the lifting of some restrictions. He claimed they needed his permission; the constitution says they dont. When a journalist asked Mr Trump what he had done all February to prepare for COVID, he called herdisgraceful”.

Mr Trump said he would suspend American funding to the World Health Organisation, accusing it of pushingChinas misinformationon the coronavirus.
Bernie Sanders bowed out as the sole remaining challenger to Joe Biden and endorsed his hitherto rival for president. Mr Sanders said he was endorsing Mr Biden now so they can unite the Democratic Party in trying to defeat Mr Trump in Novembers election.


A sailor serving on the uss Theodore Roosevelt died from COVID-19. More than 600 crew members have now tested positive, including the former captain, who was sacked by the navy after he asked for help. He was fired for seeking assistance outside the proper lines of communication.

South Korea went ahead with legislative elections despite the COVID-19 epidemic. Turnout was high. The ruling Minjoo (Democratic) party won an outright majority in the unicameral national assembly. Before the election Minjoo had been governing in coalition with several smaller parties.
Migrant workers protested in Mumbai and other Indian cities as the government extended the countrys three week-old lockdown by a further three weeks. The workers want to be able to return to their home villages, but are not able to because of the suspension of public transport. The government did relax restrictions on farming and construction work.
The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen began a unilateral two-week ceasefire aimed at stemming the spread of covid-19. Shortly after the move was announced, Yemen confirmed its first case of the virus (though it has carried out little testing). Years of war have devastated the countrys health system.
Despite calls for a ceasefire in Libya, fighting between the internationally recognised government and forces led by Khalifa Haftar, a rebellious general, continued. The government seized two towns, Surman and Sabratha, on the coast. But it struggled to deal with a power cut in the besieged capital of Tripoli.
尽管利比亚呼吁停火,但国际社会认可的政府与反叛将领哈利法·哈夫塔(Khalifa Haftar)领导的部队之间的战斗仍在继续。政府夺回了沿岸的两个城镇苏尔曼(Surman)和萨卜拉塔(Sabratha)。但是,政府在解决被围困首都的黎波里的断电问题方面十分吃力。
Iraqs president nominated Mustafa al-Kadhimi, the intelligence chief, as prime minister. Mr Kadhimi is the third person tapped for the job since November, when Adel Abdul-Mahdi resigned under pressure from anti-government protests. The previous two nominees failed to win enough support in parliament to create a government.
伊拉克总统提名情报部长穆斯塔法·卡迪米(Mustafa al-Kadhimi)为总理。自去年11月,阿德尔·阿卜杜勒-马赫迪(Adel Abdul-Mahdi)迫于反政府抗议活动的压力辞职以来,卡迪米是第三位被提名担任总理职务的人选。前两位提名者未能在议会赢得足够的支持来组建政府。
Economic shutdowns are leading to food-price inflation and shortages in several African countries including Zimbabwe, Kenya and Sudan. Aid groups such as the World Food Programme are struggling to respond because of restrictions on movement.
经济停滞导致粮食价格上涨,包括津巴布韦、肯尼亚和苏丹在内的几个非洲国家出现粮食短缺。由于行动受到限制,世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme)等援助机构很难做出回应。
The G20 said its member governments would suspend loan repayments from developing economies until the end of the year. It encouraged private creditors to do the same. Separately, the IMF postponed repayments from 25 countries.
A group including American anti-drug agents and Interpol arrested one of Brazils most wanted suspected criminals, Gilberto Aparecido dos Santos (aka Fuminho), in Maputo, Mozambiques capital. He allegedly trafficked cocaine worldwide as a leader of First Command of the Capital, a gang based in São Paulo, and evaded capture for 20 years.
一组织在莫桑比克首都马普托逮捕了一名巴西头号通缉犯吉尔贝托·阿帕雷西多·多斯桑托斯(又名Fuminho),该组织包括美国缉毒机构和国际刑警组织在内。据称,他作为“第一资本司令部”(First Command of the Capital,总部位于圣保罗)的头目在全球贩卖可卡因,并潜逃了20年。
Several European countries moved to ease theirlockdowns. In Spain work was allowed to restart in some factories and on construction sites, and in Italy some small shops were allowed to re-open. Germany is allowing large shops to trade and schools to open; social-distancing measures remain in place. But France and Britain extended their lockdowns into May. Death tolls continued to rise across Europe, but in almost all instances at diminishing rates.
The European Commission, stung by criticism that it has been absent during the crisis, outlined a roadmap that it hopes EU member states will follow to co-ordinate the easing of restrictions. EU ministers agreed on an aid package of up to 540bn ($590bn) euros for hard-hit countries. The European Central Bank had said up to 1.5trn euros was needed.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
legislative ['ledʒisleitiv]


n. 立法机构,立法权 adj. 立法的,有立法权的

defeat [di'fi:t]


n. 败北,挫败
vt. 战胜,击败

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

command [kə'mɑ:nd]


n. 命令,指挥,控制
v. 命令,指挥,支配



n. 挑战者

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

suspension [səs'penʃən]


n. 悬挂,悬浮液,暂缓,未决,中止

resigned [ri'zaind]


adj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去

communication [kə.mju:ni'keiʃn]


n. 沟通,交流,通讯,传达,通信





