(1)And then d什么发有什么讲究,还是省略?
(2)With the 第一个th什么发有什么讲究,还是省略?
(3)Rather than 这个音什么发?
(4)Didn't / Wouldn't (后面t停顿什么弄呢,d以后发n舌头抵住上颚了,然后这个t的停顿什么弄呢,本来是舌头抵上去,现在舌头已经在上面了)
(5)submission的b发音吗,point of view 的f 发音吗?
2、Henry老师,我有一个发音的小疑惑,好像大家听我讲first和fourth的时候会听不清楚。可以麻烦您和哼哼老师区分一下这两个词的发音吗?其实我口语应该不差,但是经常说话感觉会嘴瓢,比如偶尔会把college讲成colleague之类的.. 不知道京晶老师和哼哼老师有没有什么建议,专治嘴瓢。谢谢老师
ill hill will till drill
deal heal feel meal
Chandler: Sir, can I ask youto umm, could you…hold out that ring andask me to marry you?
Male Jeweler: Okay. Will you marryme?
Chandler: Oh my God, that'sit, that's the ring! How much is it?
Phoebe: Chandler, I–I will handle this! How much isit?
Male Jeweler: 8,600.
Phoebe:Wewill give you $10.
Male Jeweler: Are you interestedin this ring?!
Chandler: Yes! Yes, but I canonly pay $8,000.
Male Jeweler: Okay,I can let it go ateight.
Phoebe:Westand firmat $10.
Male Jeweler: How would you liketo pay?
Chandler: Uh, credit card. Ohno! No–no, but I left my credit card to Joey. Okay, I'll go get it. You guard the ring.
Phoebe: Why did you giveyour credit card to Joey?
Chandler: Tobuy some Knicks tickets. Then the jerk didn't even invite me to the game. But I'm over it.Whatever!
Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握
1、I can let it go ateight.
2、Then the jerk didn't eveninvite me to the game.
3、But I'm over it.
Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读
1、What was the deal with you andChandler?
2、Why'd you do it?
3、Dig a little deeper.