Seeing my father walk through the door to collect me was the best moment of the day.
My mind became a tool that I could use to either close down to retreat from my reality or enlarge into a gigantic space that I could fill with fantasies.
I hoped that my reality would change and someone would see that I had come back to life.
But I had been washed away like a sand castle built too close to the waves, and in my place was the person people expected me to be.
To some I was Martin, a vacant shell, the vegetable, deserving of harsh words, dismissal and even abuse.
To others, I was the tragically brain-damaged boy who had grown to become a man. Someone they were kind to and cared for.

Good or bad, I was a blank canvas onto which different versions of myself were projected.
It took someone new to see me in a different way. An aromatherapist began coming to the care home about once a week.
Whether through intuition or her attention to details that others failed to notice, she became convinced that I could understand what was being said.
She urged my parents to have me tested by experts in augmentative and alternative communication.
And within a year, I was beginning to use a computer program to communicate. It was exhilarating, but frustrating at times.
I had so many words in my mind, that I couldn't wait to be able to share them. Sometimes, I would say things to myself simply because I could.