And implicit in all four of these is the understanding that, as they increase, the conversation gets healthier and healthier.
So our first step is to see if we can measure these online, which we believe we can. We have the most momentum around receptivity.
We have a toxicity score, a toxicity model, on our system that can actually measure
whether you are likely to walk away from a conversation that you're having on Twitter because you feel it's toxic,
with some pretty high degree. We're working to measure the rest, and the next step is, as we build up solutions,

to watch how these measurements trend over time and continue to experiment.
And our goal is to make sure that these are balanced, because if you increase one, you might decrease another. If you increase variety of perspective,
you might actually decrease shared reality. Just picking up on some of the questions flooding in here. Constant questioning.
A lot of people are puzzled why, like, how hard is it to get rid of Nazis from Twitter?
So we have policies around violent extremist groups, and the majority of our work and our terms of service works on conduct, not content.