And see if you can kind of bring awareness to this back thigh, lifting from the back thigh.
看你能否将意识集中在大腿后侧 从大腿后侧抬起
So, we hoist our body up. We throw our body around all day long.
把身体抬起来 我们忙碌了一整天
In Yoga, we get a chance to really work with integrity.
在瑜伽中 才有机会协调整体性
So, consider that here in this balancing posture, so don't rush it.
在做这个平衡动作的时候 要考虑到这一点 所以不要急
Charging that back thigh or bring awareness there, so we're not just lifting from the foot, but we're keeping the hips level.
给大腿后侧注入力量 或将意识集中在这里 我们不光是把脚抬起来 而是让臀部也保持在这个水平
So, maybe dropping that left hip here. Chest is open, supportive in the center.
所以把左侧臀部放下 胸部打开 支撑着中心
We can stay here, gaze is strong, or we can reach the fingertips forward.
我们可以保持着这个动作 目光凝视 或者也可以把手伸向前方
Take a deep breath in, feel it out, then slowly we'll bring the back foot down, come back to Warrior One, and release the arms.
深吸一口气 延展开来 然后慢慢将后脚放下 回归战士一式 放松双臂
Rock on. Okay. We're going to try one more time, this time with a little variation.
很棒 好 我们再试一次 这次加点小小的变化
And this is my favorite way to teach Warrior Three.
I just think it's really great in terms of finding that opposition that's essentially going to support.
So here we go again. Hands come to the waistline, soft bend in the knee, awareness in that front foot.
再来一遍 双手叉腰 膝盖微曲 注意前脚
Step the foot in if you haven't already; find a nice little bounce here.
后脚抬起 轻轻弹跳
It's like, what's that, sissy bounce?
就像那种 怎么说的来着 甩臀跳?
Lord! We can't have that on the show, not today anyway, but I'm a fan.
天 这个节目可不能表演那个 今天肯定不行 不过我很喜欢
I wish I could move like those sissy bouncers, man, maybe someday.
希望我也能像那些甩臀跳的舞者一样 也许有一天能实现
Okay. Warrior Three, soft bend in the knee, inhale in,
好 战士三式 膝盖微曲 吸气
on a swift exhale take that buoyant energy, that buoyant quality, and press away.
快速呼气 并借用其反作用力 向上反弹
Now, press is actually the perfect word for this next variation.
I'm going to level the hips, draw my navel in, keep that extension through the crown.
我要保持臀部水平 腹部内收 从头到脚保持着那种张力
Again, don't worry about being in the perfect shape for now, just worry ...
In fact, I can impress you with my Warrior Three, but I don't want to.
其实 我可以给大家展示非常完美的战士三式 但我不想
I want us to kind of find that integrity as we slowly build up to a nice, strong, and supportive Virabhadrasana Three.
我想让大家在逐渐练好优雅、强壮又有支撑力的战士三式的过程中 慢慢找到那种整体性
So, this time I'm going to send my fingertips back.
这一次 我要指尖向后
It's funny; I'm on a creaky wood now, creaky plank.
很有趣 我现在趴在一块老朽的木头上
Soft bend in the knee, now think about that back inner thigh. All right?
膝盖微曲 想想大腿后内侧 好吗?
Now this time, imagine you're pressing the palms into the earth.
现在 想象你的双手在按压地面
So, in fact, imagine that the earth came up here, and in class I would come and maybe give you a little resistance.
想象一下 地面在这里 上课的时候 我可能会走到你面前 给你一点反作用力
So, imagine that you're pressing away, so just like we do in our twist when we find kind of a little resistance there.
想象你在按压什么东西 就像我们在弯曲的时候 会感受到的阻力一样
See if you can find a little resistance here, and again, you can do this without even lifting that back toe.
看你能否感受到阻力 做这个动作的时候 后脚尖不用抬起就可以
So, if you're a super beginner, then you want to give it a try anyway,
如果你完全就是个小白 想要试试
so I go from here to pressing away, really finding that lift and lengthen, that marriage of strength, but also length and grace.
我从这个动作变成按压 找到那种抬起和延伸的感觉 那种结合力 还有长度和优雅感
Might be here, might be here.
可能在这儿 也可能在这儿
Again, I'm pressing into imaginary floor here kind of like Superman.
我在按压想象中的地板 像超人一样
Once you have your resistance here, you might begin to slowly come to here and we breathe. Breathe.
等你找到那种阻力后 可以慢慢变成这个动作 然后呼吸 呼吸
I can't believe I'm on this crickety piece of wood. Perfect.
不敢相信我趴在一块腐朽的木头上 完美
One more breath, and then we softly bend that front knee, step it back to Warrior One, take a deep breath in, and exhale.
再呼吸一次 然后慢慢弯曲前膝 换回战士一式 深吸一口气 呼气
Tadasana. All right. Let's try the other side. Same thing.
山立式 好 换另一侧 一样的步骤
We're going to break it on down, starting with our runner's lunge.
咱们拆解开来 先从跑者弓步开始
This time, the left foot's forward, of course.
这次 当然是左脚在前了
Right foot back; take a second to just get into it. Breathe. Breathe with me now.
右脚在后 花点时间进入状态 呼吸 跟我一起呼吸
Okay. Plant the back foot. Again, for today, rather than ...
好 后脚放平 今天 我们不
Well, for today, I encourage you, I invite you, to tuck the tailbone and roll it up.
今天 我鼓励大家 请大家收起尾椎骨 缩起来
This one reminds me that I'm kind of anchoring through the feet, drawing energy up through the arches,
这让我想起来 我是在用脚站稳 把能量沿着弯曲的身体向上拉
and connecting to my center of gravity, which is obviously so necessary for this Warrior Three,
跟我的重心联系起来 这对战士三式很重要
and just so good for the back and the whole body.
So take a second here to just check in.
Again, if you want to reach the fingertips up to your Warrior One, shine on, babes, shine on.
如果你想伸展手部 变成战士一式 尽管来吧 宝贝 来吧
And then we'll bring the fingertips to the waistline, soft bend in the knees here, I lift the back heel up, and step it in halfway.
然后双手叉腰 膝盖微曲 后脚跟抬起 向前半步
I'm going to come to the center of my mat again.
Soft bend here, bring your awareness around to that front foot just like we did before.
膝盖微曲 像之前一样 注意力集中在前脚上
So we're going to have this woo thing.
See if you can spread awareness through all four corners of the feet, press down, and then find places to lift up.
看你能否将注意力集中在双脚的四个角落 向下按压 然后抬起
Now here we go again, the sissy bounce. Just kidding, not that.
又来了 甩臀跳 开玩笑的 不是那个哈
Everyone's going to be Googling sissy bounce if they don't know already, and they'll be like, "Oh, my God!"
要是大家不知道的话 估计都要去查什么是甩臀跳了 然后你们就会:“哦 天哪”
It's pretty cool. Okay. Soft bend, we find a buoyancy.
很酷的 好 膝盖微曲 找到那种浮力
Let's grab a Drishti, a little focus, something to set our gaze on in front, and then we might lift that back leg up.
找到一个凝视点 一个焦点 在前面找到目光凝视的地方 然后抬起后腿