1、Henry老师好,麻烦请问一下identity发音的时候前面一个t是不是要省略(N kills T)? 是不是有个规律:t在n后面的时候,在自然语流中t都省略不发。例如center变cener, interview变inerview,twenty变tweny?
2、老师好,We hadn't havedone 这句话说得非常非常快,又很自然,会是怎么说的?谢谢老师
3、Henry 老师好,很多需要顶舌头的音连在一起,感觉舌头会打结,比如有一句歌词:like the seasons have all gone,其中seasons、all、gone后面都需要顶舌头吗?特别是all和gone两个词靠在一起感觉舌头顶上去放下来又顶上去感觉好累哇,这种做法对吗?这个也想请老师帮忙分析解释一下。练了好久,感觉这句歌词唱快了还是很累。谢谢。
时间:00: 22: 00-00: 24: 18
Chandler: Yeah look, when I proposed I told you that I would doanything to make you happy, and if having the perfect wedding makes you happy, then that's what we're gonna do.
Monica: Oh, you're so sweet. Oh, but wait, what about our, whataboutthe future and stuff?
Chandler: Eh, forget about the future and stuff! So we'll onlyhave two kids, y'know? We'll pick our favorite andthat one will get togo to college.
Monica: Have youthought about that?
Chandler: Yeah.
Monica: How many kids were we gonna have?
Chandler: Uh, four, a boy, twin girls and anotherboy.
Monica: What else did you think about?
Chandler: Well, stuff like where'd we live, y'know? Like a smallplace outside the city, where our kids could learn to ride their bikes andstuff. Y'know, we could have a cat thathad a bellon its collar and we could hear it every time it ran through thelittle kitty door. Of course, we'd have anapartment over the garage where Joey couldgrowold.
Monica: Y'know what? I don't want a big, fancy wedding.
Chandler: Sure you do.
Monica: No, I want everything you just said. Iwant a marriage.
Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握
1、We'll pick our favorite.
2、Have you thought about that?
3、What else did you think about?
Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读
1、You guys are gonna have to get married inlike a rec. center!
2、It's gonna be Okay.
3、Do you even understand what off the rackmeans?