It's still dark, and well below freezing, when Kristie Leavitt pulls to a stop and turns off the rumbling motor. For a moment, there's no sound in the world but the faint whisper of wind sweeping over the ice. The navy blue sky begins to lighten. The cold air burns in her lungs.
Bundled in a hot-pink coat that matches her fishing hut and gear, Leavitt hops down from the driver's seat onto the 18-inch-thick ice that covers this corner of Munuscong Lake, on Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Her boots crunch into a thin layer of snow as she begins the ritual of preparing for one of her favorite activity: ice fishing.

Leavitt is among the two million ice anglers in the United States who look forward all year to the chill of winter. Like many others in the Great Lakes region, she also relies on the cold for a living. She manages her family's tourist cabins and bait shop on the edge of the lake, and the businesses make most of their money during the ice fishing and snowmobiling season.
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