This is not an academic point, but a matter for public interest.
To pocket Boots, Pessina and KKR had to outbid another private-equity baron, Guy Hands.
His outfit, Terra Firma, went on to buy Four Seasons Health Care, the biggest care home operator in the UK.
It shares certain similarities with Boots: both private-sector providers of public services;
both weighed down by the expense of running old-fashioned bricks and mortar, both controlled by tax exiles (Hands uses Guernsey as his base).
Four Seasons, too, was landed with outsize debt – and over the last few months, the group has gone into meltdown:
struggling to pay the interest on its loans, castigated by government inspectors for providing “inadequate” care in 125 of its homes, forced to sell some properties and overhaul others.
Four Seasons is now a prime example of what happens when private equity – big borrowing, hard charging – goes wrong,

with results that may be paid for by its residents and families and even taxpayers over the coming months and years.
This is not likely to happen to Boots.
But Haslam sees the same conflict between outsize profit-seeking and public interest, claiming:
“Boots is now about immuring tax, squeezing labour costs and taking out the dividends rather than reinvesting in the business.”
Whether as residents or patients, relatives or members of the public, we need our care homes and pharmacies to be reliably dull.
When financiers get excited over such sectors, the rest of us should worry.
Yet Pessina came to Boots promising double-digit growth.
“There’s so much to do – the products are fantastic, the spirit of the people is fantastic,” he fizzed in a 2008 interview.
“The important thing now is to motivate them and to convince them they can succeed.”