So maybe talk about that, and then talk about what did you end up seeing in 1999 that make you decide that Alibaba was it.
Yeah, okay, good. Jerry knows me so well, and by the way, Jerry not only the entrepreneur and he's a wonderful investor. Probably one of the best investors right?
I'll give you my version.
He's sitting under my because very few people see the real stuff that's in his heart.
He's so smart. I remember the day when we negotiated with Yahoo, buying the Yahoo, and getting $1 billion.
Today, people think it's a good deal, but at that time, it was a big risk. It's not easy. That year, that many years ago put $1 billion inside.
And we are almost a separate carcass, we are not happy about this and that and at that time he wasn't the CEO, right.
And then he said, we are almost just separate then he said call me. Jack can you come and tonight we have our drink? For final effort.
You can't drink that much back then.
And then I say okay. So he took me to small, tiny Japanese restaurant, bought me big glass of Saki.
And we drink and try to convince me how wonderful Yahoo is. And after drink we say, okay let's keep on talking good.
The most expensive Saki I've ever had in my life. I'm pretty sensitive about a Saki now.
I know. I was going to invite you to some Saki after this but I guess I better. I think that-
But I will continue answer your question. Yeah.
I went back to China with the dream of Internet. I believe this thing is going to change the world. I believe this thing will be big,
but whether Jack Ma and his team can be successful, I don't know. I told the team somebody will be successful, but not us. May not be us. We have to work very hard.
So, tough days in China, year 1996, 1997, and then go nowhere, because we, only, I borrowed $2,000 from my friends and families and relatives together.
So we compete with the China Telecom. They have money, they have the SOE, they're state owned business. They're competing with us.
Finally, they cannot kill us because we want to survive. And we of course cannot kill China Telecom.
So we had a joint venture, they have 70% we have 30%. And I was so stupid I think they really love us but they got us be they want to kill us.
Of five seven ball seats they got a five two everything without even say our idea. They say they don't like it.
So I say maybe I should go into Beijing. Go to Beijing, join the government, maybe they can help us in promoting the Internet.
So we want Beijing. Joined the Minister of Foreign Trade, that's part of job. Contract for 14 miles.
Working side of a fun, government can never, ever promote the, or make Internet business.
Because the philosophy of Internet is try to develop, how to make other people develop the business.
But the government, they want control at that time. So it's totally different philosophy.
They are smart. They are good people, but they think how can I make it using Internet to manage and control?
But we think we should make not control, making other people develop. So different philosophy, I think in one works are left
and during these day I met Jerry Yam, all right. And then I think well, no chance in the government, no chance in.
I believe we should not give up. So I was in a desperate and think a lot I should, let's go do it again. So we went back to Hangzhou.
Stat, I invited 18, my students, friends in my apartment, year 1999 February 21st. We took the video of us talking about the future.
People looked at me. This guy is crazy. But most people cannot find jobs. So say what if you have an idea let's do it.
And then a good thing is that we keep all the video. Our company probably kept the most of the videos. And most of the…
Every meeting, we had in the past 16 years were videotaped, because we know everything with every mistake we made,
every decision made in the future will give our young people to study us. We're going to open in every ten years what happened, why we make this decision.
Even discussing with Yahoo, why we make joined with Yahoo. All videotaped.