Sometimes science simply cannot be rushed, though. "There is some sort of serendipity to the scientific enterprise," Gonsalves told me. "The speed and scale of what is happening now could be just a prelude to the chance discoveries we're going to have to make over a longer period." Bottom line: "You can't scream a cure out of a test tube."
Next I called Howard Markel, director of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan, to talk about another source of my anxiety: that the coronavirus seemed to shape-shift in a uniquely terrifying way. It felt like every day I opened the newspaper to read that a new organ system was subject to its ravages or a new age group was vulnerable. But Markel, who has made a career studying the history of epidemics, told me that was to be expected: The apparent explosion of new and varied symptoms happens with any highly contagious virus when it bursts on the scene.

"The more clinical material you have, the more patients, the more chances you have to see this protean nature," he said. It's what happened in the early days of the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s, when Markel was just starting his career. At the dawn of any new disease, strange manifestations keep showing up and surprising doctors. Even if the odds of a rare symptom are, say, just one in a thousand, doctors are going to see a lot of it, Markel said, because a thousand patients can accumulate practically overnight with a crazily contagious new illness like this one.
So the U-turns and revised pronouncements about COVID-19 aren't signs that scientists are flummoxed; they're signs that scientists are generating a torrent of new information and are trying to make sense of it as they go.