to talk someone's ear off: to talk for too long.
let someone off the hook: to give someone permission to go.
I know I've been talking your ear off, so I'll let you off the hook and catch you later. Thanks for chatting.
I know I've been taking up so much of your time and I'm sure you've got a lot of other things to do, so I'll let you go. But it's been great to see you.
It's been really nice talking to you, but I promised myself that I would mingle at this event and get to know some new people, so I should probably go do that. I'll catch you later.
I see someone I was hoping to catch, sorry, I will have to leave it there.
I need to do the rounds and catch a few people, so I will see you later.
pick someone's brain: to learn more about something
I am sure Jack would love to pick your brain about this topic, let me introduce you.
It's been nice chatting with you, but I've got to go.
It was nice to see you, but I've got to run.