1、想请教Henry老师一个问题: 我们会说on the moon,但却说on Mars, 为什么Mars前面没有the呢?为什么是in space, 却又是in the universe.呢?谢谢老师
2、我想请问老师:Do you want something? Would you like something? 请问这两种句式都在什么情况下使用? 如果客气的询问你想去哪里,该怎么说?
(1)、关于in here/there与here/there有什么区别。例句如下:
I、Have fun in there
II、I will see you in there
III、How did you even get in here? 4、You are not going to stay in here forever ,right?
(2)、关于be way less/more我不知道什么意思?例句I need things to be way less in focus
(3)、I am done playing this game
我不太明白这个语法,请问这是什么意思? 谢谢老师
4、京晶老师和哼老师你们好:我想问哼哼老师一个发音问题,有一课在讲连读That's not what I had in mind 这个例句的时候,后面您接着说了what are you doing?your ruining my life?我想问一下这个ruining 怎么读?ru是要撅两次嘴吗?谢谢老师
Dr. Schiff: Hi Rachel? I'm Dr. Schiff. So, how's it going?
Rachel: Oh, really good. But enough about me, come on! Where are you from? What do you do?
Dr. Schiff: I'm a doctor.
Rachel: Right! Right! I–I actually meant in your spare time, do you cook? Do you ski? Or do you just hang out with your wife or girlfriend?
Dr. Schiff: Uh, I don't have a wife or girlfriend, but I do like to ski.
Rachel: Oh, I love to ski! How amazing is this?!
Dr. Schiff: So, are you experiencing any discomfort?
Rachel: No. I'm very comfortable.
Dr. Schiff: Any painful gas?
Rachel: No! Shoot, Dr. Schiff what kind of question is that?
Dr. Schiff: Okay then, would you like to lie down on the table?
Rachel: Well, would you like me to lie down on the table?
Dr. Schiff: I'm sorry, is there something going on here?
Rachel: Do you feel it too?
Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握
1、But enough about me
2、I actually meant in your spare time
3、Are you experiencing any discomfort?
Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读
1、Could you get me the pesto?
2、Let's just cut to the chase
3、He gets off work at eleven.