Expectation is thegreatest impedimentto living. In anticipationof tomorrow, itlosestoday.
期待是生活着最大的妨碍 在明天的预期中遗失了今天.
expectation n. 期待;预期
impediment n.妨碍
anticipation n. 希望;预感
aphysical problem that makes speaking, hearing, or moving difficult
aspeech impediment
asituation or event that makes it difficult or impossible for someone orsomething to succeed or make progress
Waris one of the greatest impediments to human progress.
昨日翻译答案:what can I do to improve the relationship with my children ?
今日翻译练习:Waiting on clients to deliver website content can be a big impedimentto progress.
每天早上6点,跟着Gabby每天一小句, 进步一点点 我用我的声音, 带给你不一样的英文