These girls all share one dream: to be the world's first female F1 world champion.
"My ambitions are to be like famous in motorsports, the No.1 aim is Formula 1, of course."
A new initiative called More Than Equal is hoping to find and develop the first female F1 champion.
They recently welcomed these six girls as the first drivers on their development program.
The idea of the program is to give female drivers equal opportunity.
"A lot of people seem to think for some reason that the females aren't physically capable of getting to Formula 1.
There's nothing there to say that it's not possible, it's just adapting and developing the girls from a younger age."
And the teams here start right from the beginning.
"On the first day, we learned how to like actually drive the car, cuz a lot of us have never done that before. And on the second day, we learned how to drift."
The last woman to race in the F1 Grand Prix was Italian driver Lella Lombardi in 1976.
But things have changed a lot since then, the sport now has its own all-female F1 Academy support series.
And it's hoped that with the increase of schemes like this, a female F1 champion will be found.