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I think that leads on to the next topic “how to save money?”.

I don't know I used to take red-eye flights.

Same here.

红眼航班, 也就是差不多12点或者半夜之后出发的航班.

I actually prefer ride red-eye flights...

Because you can go to sleep.

I can sleep on planes now. Because I'm traveling backs and forwards to the UK so often now that I can actually sleep on planes. So I don't like planes like during the day because you can't really sleep and it's too bright.

But when you arrive, you still have to push through, although is your bedtime. And also budget airlines I think we both did budget airlines so 廉航, those budget to the ridiculous degree that they would charge you to go to toilets.

Well, they said they were gonna do that. Thankfully they tried, thankfully they didn't. But the only thing with budget airlines is that the airports are so far away. So for example in London, one of the main budget airline airports is about 50-60 miles away from London.

So that's what, like 70 kilometers as literally in another city.

It is.

Budget airlines, and there are also hidden costs. 廉航有很多隐藏的收费. You look at the price and you think this is so cheap, but most of us will have a check-in luggage and they charge you exorbitant price with the check-in luggage.

Yeah. Ad if you want to select your seat, they charge you for that. And if you want to check in without a boarding card at the airport, they charge you for that.

Everything, you have to pay for everything and they're very strict about that.


So I don't really take budget airlines for longer trips just a... very like an hour and half trip.

Not more than an hour and half, but the thing with budget airlines is that you really have to kind of explore because after you pay for all of additional features, the additional baggage and things like that, a normal regular flight might still be cheaper.

And the other ways that people talk about in terms of money saving or budgeting, I think they're very risky like couch surfing, for example, that was popular for a while就是所谓的沙发客. You basically stay in someone's, let's just say spare couch. I don't really think women should do that in this day and age, it’s way too risky.

Couch surfing, hitchhiking. They are a bit dangerous. Personally I've never done them myself.

Don't hitchhike, like for example, if you are a woman and then you are traveling alone, definitely don't hitchhike. But if you're like, a really beefy, really big guy, you can hitchhike, but nobody's gonna take you.

Exactly. They're gonna think that you're gonna be a murderer or something like that.

Exactly. So either way搭顺风车这个事情, 其实大家有时候在电影电视里面看到, 但是真的...OK, some of you might have had the experience and said you had a lovely experience, you met wonderful people. But that could just be because you're extremely lucky.

It could be.

So that's some of the tips about saving money. But now let's talk about exactly what you do at the destination. 安澜, 知不知道现在中国社交媒体上有一个说法叫做特种兵式旅游military actually special forces in the military style travel.

I used to do that.


Yeah, I did that when I was a student because I didn't have much money, I wanted to see as much as possible. I would sleep on the floor at airports to save money and...yes, I can understand that. I did that when I was a student.

When I was very young, I traveled once or twice with my family and they try to do that because older generation they have the same mindset as you did. So they're like we spend all this money we have to see everything. I ended up being exhausted throughout the whole trip because we had to get up every day before six. Yeah. And we spent a whole day out and come back really late and then it's another the following day we have to get up again at six.

Yeah, I've done that a few times, but now I just don't do that because as you say, you end up just really, really tired. I did that once when I was traveling around eastern Europe and I just remember I got to the hotel and then I slept for the entire day because I was just so exhausted.

And the thing is if you travel like that, even though you manage to cover a lot of the sites, you hardly remember anything.

No, exactly.

It's like I had pictures taken in front of this. But where is this?

Yeah, you have to look through your photos just to remember where you went.

What about other things that trying local food...

Trying local food, buying souvenirs? Those I would say the more traditional things that you do on holiday particularly on a city break.

I never buy souvenirs.

I don't generally buy souvenirs.

I think all souvenirs are produced like unless they are local arts and crafts, like handmade, I think they're all made from 义乌. They're all made in and they are sold in 义乌.

What I normally do is if I go somewhere, I like to just probably buy maybe one thing, so probably a little bit more expensive. Generally just one thing that is so locally made or arts and crafts. So I'm not one of these people that kind of buy lots and lots of souvenirs. That's actually a bit like my mom, my mom loves to buy loads of souvenirs.

I think older generation in China they also do.

Yeah. What I like to do is just to spend a bit more money on one thing that value most of the holiday.

That's meaningful.

Okay, but what about some unusual ideas apart from the usual idea of sightseeing, trying food and all that. Some of the things that are perhaps in English you say off the beaten track and not something people would...

Yeah, you go off the beaten track, you're always exploring places where tourists don't normally go to. I like to do that. I love the idea now that's becoming a thing in China is the idea of the city walk, just walking around the city.

You actually like the idea of city walk?

I do. The thing is that we've had that in Britain and Europe for years that idea that you just walk around and I really like that. I love to go to a new city and just walk the streets maybe for 3-4 hours just to see what's there.

See all these little shops and see how people live their lives.

Exactly. I love that. I'm one of these people that I really interested in supermarkets in foreign countries.

I love supermarkets, I also like fresh markets.

Yeah, I love to go to a supermarket in a foreign country just to see what type of food, what type of drink.

I compare the prices. I also have this habit. No, don't laugh at me. I also have this habit of comparing property prices.

For God's sake.

Because all over the world, you see these estate agents基本上哪个国家它都有房地产中介, 他们的很多的价目都是贴在基本上全球都差不多的. And then, I would have this little game with myself. I would secretly guess how much these properties will be worth. Then I check the prices to see if I'm correct.

Oh my God. I'd like to go to supermarkets, in these type of markets just to try the local food and also try the local alcohol as well.

I think that's the point.

Pretty much.

I also like to actually perhaps join a food tour if they have those.

I've done that in Vietnam.

Market tour, food tour.

I've done that once in Hanoi, in Vietnam. And that was a lot of fun. I was the only person there. So the tour guide was taking me around all these stores. Obviously I don't speak Vietnamese, so he was able to kind of get me to try these local foods which you wouldn't really know about or you wouldn't feel comfortable going to if you were on your own.

And you don't speak the language.

Food tour, tour好像是一个相当于有点定制游的那种感觉, food tour它是一个主题游, 比如说带着你去吃街头小吃, 带着你去 market里面去看当地人在吃什么东西, 然后可能会让你尝的那种.

I also experience some things like chef's table, chef's dinner. So it was like a local chef, they organized like a dinner for visitors in usually in her or his home is like a bunch... It's like a fancier...

That's really cool.

Yeah. So you also learn maybe even a bit of cooking lesson as well.

One thing I've done is language lessons. I went to Budapest, Hungary, and Hungarian is a completely different language to English. And they have this particular program. I'm not sure they still have it. This was quite a few years ago, but it was called Fungarian, so Hungarian, but Fun-garian.

So it's just like a crash course for the local language.

It's only about an hour, 2 hours, max. You just meet this teacher at a cafe or bar. He teaches you a few words of Hungarian.

What did you learn?

I learn, can I have a glass of wine, please? And how to say “thank you”.

That's the first thing you learned?

Yes, and it was so much fun because we were in a cafe. So I actually got to use that language straight away.

I think that's why the whole lesson was carried out in a cafe that you can use straight away. This is what I love about language learning is when you actually get to use it to practice it straight away. I also have this fun thing that I do or maybe really nerdy thing I do. I set myself really peculiar tasks, for example, almost like a scavenger hunt or like treasure hunt. For example, I remember in Prague, 布拉格, 因为这个地方有很多那种gargoyle, 就是那种老的教堂的屋檐, 比如石像鬼. That's actually a thing. So I was like going around looking for the creepiest gargoyle.

That sounds pretty fun.

I think a place that we're gonna go to in Poland has these gnomes. Yeah, I think that's something perhaps we can try to do as a peculiar task.

That sounds a lot of fun.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
additional [ə'diʃənl]


adj. 附加的,另外的

property ['prɔpəti]


n. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

exorbitant [ig'zɔ:bitənt]


adj. (价格等)过高的,不合法的

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

gargoyle ['gɑ:gɔil]


n. 滴水嘴,奇形怪状的人

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒





