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When do polls close on election day, Tuesday, 5 November 2024?
After a historic US election cycle that saw the incumbent president step down from his party’s ticket and two assassination attempts against the Republican presidential nominee, voters are finally casting their ballots.
Tens of millions of Americans will have already voted by the time that polls close on 5 November, but tens of millions more will cast ballots in person on election day. In 2020, more than 200 million Americans voted in the presidential race, as turnout hit its highest level since 1992.
This year, election experts expect voter turnout to be similarly robust, with Americans eager to make their voices heard in what will probably be a very close contest between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Voters will also have the opportunity to weigh in on thousands of other elections happening at the federal, state and local levels.
【延伸阅读朗读版已更新在公众号“水木英语晨读Freya”】免费领取800+期精美双语打印版讲义、加入晨读打卡学习群,微信关注“水木英语晨读Freya”公众号,win the morning,win the day!