The ancient tadpoles probably resembled some modern species in size and feeding strategy.
Bullfrog tadpoles scrape algae of stones and then suck them in, and they also occasionally grow to a large size.
Meanwhile, the tadpoles of so-called paradoxical frogs (Pseudis paradoxa), an intriguing species also from Argentina, grow to nearly eight inches long, while adults barely exceed two inches.
Most other frogs tend to be largest in the adult phase of their lives.
Why exactly N. degiustoi tadpoles grew and stayed so large is unclear.
Notobatrachus degiustoi的蝌蚪到底为什么会长那么大、并维持那种体型,目前还不清楚。
"I'm surprised by the exceptional preservation of this tadpole," says zoologist Marissa Fabrezi of the Universidad Nacional de Salta in Argentina, who has studied paradoxical frogs.
"It's difficult to explain the size of giant tadpoles. This is important for understanding their evolution."
Given the well-developed cartilage and even some bone structures imprinted on the rock, the fossilized tadpole was close to metamorphosis, says Chuliver.
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So it probably would not have grown bigger than the adults, which tend to be roughly the same length as the tadpole in the quarry's fossil record.
Yet modern paradoxical frogs may still provide clues to why N. degiustoi's tadpoles grew so large.
但现代的奇异多指节蟾或许还是能提供线索,来解释Notobatrachus degiustoi的蝌蚪为什么会长这么大。
Like the fossilized frogs, paradoxical frogs live in temporary pools that dry up when there isn't enough rain, which means they don't face much competition or predation from fish.
This allows the tadpoles to stay in the tadpole stage for longer and grow larger before they metamorphose into adults, making maximum use of the food available in the pools before moving on to terrestrial snacks.
The discovery of this more than 160-million-year-old tadpole is a testament to the success of the frog's way of life, says Agnolín.
Today, however, many frogs are struggling, as their dependence on both land and water habitats makes them twice as vulnerable to human disturbance.
"The very same metamorphosis that made them successful now makes them more prone to extinction," says Agnolín.