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关注公众号“水木英语晨读Freya” 领取1~902期原版外刊讲义PDF

Vladimir Putin says 'negotiations and compromise' will be needed to end Ukraine war

Russian President Vladimir Putin says all parties involved in the Ukraine War will need to be ready "for both negotiations and compromises", as he prepares for possible talks with incoming US president Donald Trump.

Mr Trump, who has long touted his ability in "the art of the deal", has repeatedly said he wants to end the war in Ukraine that has been raging since February 2022.

Mr Putin on Thursday held an annual question and answer session on state TV and told a US reporter he was ready to meet with Mr Trump. The Russian president said he had not spoken to the former US president in years.

Asked what he might be able to offer Mr Trump, Mr Putin argued Russia was not in a weak negotiating position and had gotten much stronger since he ordered troops into Ukraine in 2022.

"We are ready, but the other side needs to be ready for both negotiations and compromises," he said. "We have always said that we are ready for negotiations and compromises. "

关注公众号“水木英语晨读Freya” 领取1~902期原版外刊讲义PDF




