[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson4 夜莺与玫瑰-A
课文阅读The Nightingale and the Rose--Oscar Wilde "She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses...2009-07-15 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson3高犯罪率与低惩罚率-B
课文阅读These features show that it makes little sense to blame the police, judges or correctional personnel for being s...2009-07-14 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson3高犯罪率与低惩罚率-A
课文阅读More Crime and Less Punishment--Richard Moran If you are looking for an explanation of why we don't get tou...2009-07-13 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson2 美尔根,我的兄弟-D
课文阅读Soon his hunting partner came to join him. Any time now, I thought, their teeth would pierce my bones. Suddenly ...2009-07-10 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson2 美尔根,我的兄弟-C
课文阅读There was only one thing to do. Camp for the night and hope that by morning the storm would have blown itself ou...2009-07-08 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson2 美尔根,我的兄弟-B
课文阅读It all served to fog my mind with pleasure so that I forgot my Grandpa's repeated warnings, and one night l...2009-06-30 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson2 Maheegun&n
课文阅读Maheegun My BrotherThe year I found Maheegun, spring was late in coming. That day, I was spearing fish with my g...2009-06-19 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson1上大学的意义-B
课文阅读Another School Year — What For?--John Ciardi "But having finished the day's work, what do you do with ...2009-06-18 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson1上大学的意义-A
课文阅读Another School Year — What For?--John Ciardi Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a tea...2009-06-17 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson15B 为我们的星球呼吁
课文阅读A Plea for Our Planet --David and Severn Suzuki* My 12-year-old daughter, Severn, attended the Rio ECO (Environm...2009-06-16 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson15A 月色动人
课文阅读Touched by the Moon--Nirmal Gbosb Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening, I was awe-struck by the ...2009-06-15 编辑:sunny 标签:
[现代大学英语精读] 现代大学英语精读:Lesson14A 二十年后-5
课文阅读The man from the West stopped suddenly and released his arm. "You're not Jimmy Wells," he said sh...2009-06-10 编辑:sunny 标签: