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来源:新东方 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

9. Gray wolves have been absent from a large national park for decades. Park officials wish to reestablish the wolves without jeopardizing any existing species of wildlife there. Since the park contains adequate prey for the wolves and since the wolves avoid close contact with people, reintroducing them would serve the officials' purpose without seriously jeopardizing visitors' safety. Each of the following, if true, strengthens the argument above EXCEPT:

  (A) The park is so large that wolves will not need to venture into areas frequented by people.

  (B) Rabies is very rare in wolves, and there have been no verified cases of serious human injuries from nonrabid wild wolves since records have been kept.

  (C) Ranchers in the region near the park have expressed concern that gray wolves, if reintro duced, would sometimes prey on their livestock.

  (D) Predation by gray wolves on elk in the park is likely to improve the health and viability of the park's elk population as a whole by reducing malnutrition among the elk.

  (E) Wolves do not prey on animals of any endangered species that currently inhabit the park.

  10. Osteoporosis is a disease that reduces bone mass, leading to fragile bones that break easily. Current treatments for osteoporosis such as estrogen or calcitonin help prevent further loss of bone but do not increase bone mass. Since fluoride is known to increase bone mass, administering fluoride to osteoporosis patients would therefore help make their bones less susceptible to breaking.

  Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

  (A) Most people who suffer from osteoporosis are not aware that administration of fluoride can increase bone mass.

  (B) Fluoride is added to drinking water in many locations in order to strengthen the teeth of people who drink the water.

  (C) The risk of contracting osteoporosis and other degenerative bone diseases is lessened by exercise and an adequate intake of calcium.

  (D) Unlike administration of fluoride, administration of estrogen or calcitonin is known to cause undesirable side effects for many people.

  (E) The new bone mass that is added by the administration of fluoride is more brittle and less elastic than normal bone tissue.

  11. The closest distance from which an asteroid has been photographed using ground-based radar is 2.2 million miles, the distance from which the asteroid Toutatis was recently photographed. The closest photograph of an asteroid is of Gaspra, which was photographed from a distance of only 10,000 miles Which of the following can be properly concluded from the statements above?

  (A) Toutatis is more likely to collide with the Earth than Gaspra is.

  (B) Toutatis, unlike Gaspra, has only recently been discovered.

  (C) Asteroids can be photographed only by using ground-based radar.

  (D) Ground-based radar photography cannot take photographs of objects much beyond 2.2 million miles from Earth.

  (E) The photograph of Gaspra was not taken using ground-based radar.

  12. Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?

  Alone among living species, human beings experience adolescence, a period of accelerated physical growth prior to full maturity. Whether other hominid species, which are now all extinct and are known only through the fossil record, went through adolescence cannot be known, since

  (A) the minimum acceleration in physical growth that would indicate adolescence might differ according to species

  (B) the fossil record, though steadily expanding, will always remain incomplete

  (C) detecting the adolescent growth spurt requires measurements on the same individual at different ages

  (D) complete skeletons of extinct hominids are extremely rare

  (E) human beings might be the first species to benefit from the survival advantages, if any, conferred by adolescence

重点单词   查看全部解释    
overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

susceptible [sə'septəbl]


adj. 易受外界影响的,易受感染的

thereby ['ðɛə'bai]


adv. 因此,从而

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

concentration [.kɔnsen'treiʃən]


n. 集中,专心,浓度

verified ['verifaid]


adj. 已查清的,已证实的

likelihood ['laiklihud]


n. 可能性

conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən]


n. 结论

survival [sə'vaivəl]


n. 生存,幸存者

logically ['lɔdʒikli]


adv. 符合逻辑地,逻辑上地


关键字: 模拟 试题 GRE




