[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第67期
Murray whose show of recent paintings and drawing is her best in many years, has been eminent hereabouts for2014-10-27 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第68期
In contrast to the _____ colors of Elizabeth’s wardrobe, Andrew preferred clothes that were bright and flamboyant.2014-10-26 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第66期
Some biologists argue that each specific human trait must have arisen gradually and erratically, and that it is therefore2014-10-26 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第67期
Most critics agreed that the latest superhero blockbuster was boring and suffered from _____ writing and acting.2014-10-25 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第65期
Melodramas, which present the stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil2014-10-25 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 需适当延长GRE填空备考周期
自新gre考试改革以来,如何备考新gre考试已成为各大论坛的火热话题,语文部分新增三空题题型逻辑结构更为复杂,需要推倒的层次更多2014-10-24 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 新GRE填空是如何进行题型设置的?
由于新gre考试填空题型更多的考单词的用法和精确含义,同时也加深了对阅读理解能力的考察,因此阅读训练必不可少,2014-10-24 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第66期
With the globalization and international scope of modern business, many companies prefer to hire _____ employees.2014-10-24 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第64期
He never_____the wisdom I had claimed for him, and my friends quickly dismissed my estimate of his ability as_____.2014-10-24 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第65期
Because Vera did not _____ say what she wanted for her birthday, her parents weren't sure what to get her for a present.2014-10-23 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 怎样分析GRE考试的填空部分
新GRE填空也是GRE考试的重要组成部分,但考生对GRE填空题的复习并不如其他的考试一样上心。很多的填空知识点考生还并不十分清楚。2014-10-23 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE句子填空的答题技巧
下面为考生讲解GRE考试中填空题的解析技巧。以下是举例分析的内容,在填空题中很大一部分新GRE填空前后两部分是互为重复或互为说明性质的2014-10-23 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第63期
When an oppressed group revolts against a society, one must look for the_____forces that led to the group's_____that society.2014-10-23 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 有关GRE考试填空复习规律的分析
新GRE填空中,很多考点都是比较分散的,这也给考生的复习带来一定的难度。考生只有不断地通过做GRE考试真题进行总结、归类和整理才能完整地分析出新GRE填空的规律2014-10-22 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE考试填空解题的五点见解
对于新GRE填空的解答考生多多少少感到有点麻烦。填空的知识点考察比较详细而琐碎,考生若是不能很好地进行整理的话就容易遗漏考点而给自己的GRE考试带来失利。2014-10-22 编辑:mike 标签: