[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第83期
In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions2014-11-10 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第80期
As long as the nuclear family is_____a larger kinship group through contiguous residence on undivided land2014-11-09 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第82期
Despite a tendency to be overtly _____ , the poetry of the Middle Ages often sparks the imagination and provides lively2014-11-09 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第81期
One of the first _____ of reduced burning in Amazon rain forests was the chestnut industry: smoke tends to drive2014-11-08 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第79期
Though_____in her personal life, Edna St. Vincent Millay was nonetheless_____about her work, usually producing several pages of complicated rhyme in a day.2014-11-08 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE辅导:实例解析GRE填空
自GRE改革以来,填空部分的难度有所加大,面对新GRE填空,许多考生总是不知所措。那么,有没有什么新GRE填空方法呢?应该如何准备新GRE填空呢?2014-11-07 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE填空的词项释义法
由于改革后的新gre句子填空题更多的考察单词的用法和精确含义,也加深了对阅读理解能力的考察,新gre句子填空逻辑结构更为复杂2014-11-07 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第80期
The history of film reflects the _____ inherent in the medium itself: film combines still photographs to represent2014-11-07 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第78期
Schlesinger has recently assumed a conciliatory attitude that is not _____ by his colleagues, who continue to_____compromise.2014-11-07 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE填空中固定观点如何分析
新GRE填空中有很多的固有观点,这些观点是做好GRE填空题重要的参考,掌握这些填空观点能够快速猜测出命题人的意图并加以解决2014-11-06 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第79期
One virus strain that may help gene therapists cure genetic brain diseases can enter the peripheral nervous system2014-11-06 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第77期
Though_____to some degree, telling a small lie sometimes enables one to avoid_____another’s feelings. Blank(i) Blank(ii)2014-11-06 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第78期
The fortresslike facade of the Museum of Cartoon Art seems calculated to remind visitors that the comic strip2014-11-05 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第76期
The value of Davis'sociological research is compromised by his unscrupulous tendency to use materials_____in order2014-11-05 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 解析GRE考试填空的答题技巧
下面小编将为考生解析GRE考试中的填空答题技巧。考生在备战新GRE填空中对那些填空的做题技巧掌握的还是不够好,甚至有的考生出现技巧的错误理解2014-11-04 编辑:mike 标签: