澳大利亚奋进奖学金(Endeavour Awards)是澳大利亚政府推出的一项颇具国际竞争性的奖学金计划。该奖学金在择优选拔的基础上,为亚太、中东、欧洲、美洲地区和各国人士提供各种赴澳大利亚学习、从事研究和个人职业发展的机会。该奖学金也为澳大利亚公民赴海外学习、从事研究和寻求个人职业发展提供资助。
澳大利亚奋进奖学金(Endeavour Awards)是澳大利亚政府奖学金(Australia Awards)计划的一部分。澳大利亚政府奖学金计划整合了由澳大利亚教育、就业和劳资关系部(英文简称DEEWR)负责管理的澳大利亚奋进奖学金(Endeavour Awards)和由澳大利亚国际发展署(英文简称AusAID)提供的澳大利亚发展奖学金(Development Awards),并将这两个类别的奖学金归于易于识别的同一品牌之下。欲获取更多信息,请访问澳大利亚奖学金(Australia Awards)网站www.AustraliaAwards.gov.au。
Applications for the 2012 round of the Endeavour Awards open on 1 April 2011
The Endeavour Awards is the Australian Government’s internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program providing opportunities for citizens of the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. Awards are also available for Australians to undertake study, research and professional development abroad.
The Endeavour Awards aim to:
• Develop ongoing educational, research and professional linkages between individuals, organisations and countries;
• Provide opportunities for high achieving individuals to increase their skills and enhance their global awareness;
• Contribute to Australia’s position as a high quality education and training provider, and leader in research and innovation; and
• Increase the productivity of Australians through an international study, research or professional development experience.
The Endeavour Awards are a part of the Australia Awards initiative, which brings together, under a single recognisable brand, the Endeavour Awards run by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and the Development Awards offered by AusAID. For further information visit the Australia Awards website at www.AustraliaAwards.gov.au.