Writing 1 hour 10 minutes
Part one
Question 1
●The chart below shows the percentages of a company’s turnover which were contributed by its main product areas in three successive years.
●Using the information in the chart , write a short report comparing the contributions of the three products to turnover in the three years.
●Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.
Part two
● Write an answer to one of the question 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.
Question 2
●the Sales Manager in your company is looking for a venue where he can hold a three-day conference for sales staff. You have recently attended a conference at the Marston Conference Centre and the Sales Manager has asked you to prepare a report on the suitability of the Centre for his conference.
●Write your report for the Sales Manager.
●Describing your experience of the venue when you attended the conference there
●Assessing the positive and negative aspects of the venue
●Making a recommendation as to its suitability for your company’s conference
Question 3
●You are dissatisfied with the poor service that has recently been provided by the company responsible for delivering your products to your customers.
●Write a letter to the company:
●Informing them of the fall in the standard of their service
●Explaining why you are dissatisfied
●Describing the bad effect the service has on your business
●Detailing what action your intend to take if the service does not improve
Question 4
●You feel that your company’s main product or service would benefit from better publicity. The directors have asked you to write a proposal putting forward your ideas.
●Write your proposal for the directors.
●Mentioning the product or service concerned
●Stating the shortcoming of the current advertising
●Outlining how your competitors publicise their products or services
●Suggesting a different approach to advertising
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