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  Questions 21-35
  . Read this news.
  . Choose the best word to fil1 each gap.
  . For each question (21-35) mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
  . One answer has been given as an example.
  Three Bootleggers Jailed
  Three men who ran a cross-channel smuggling group ,selling cheap.
  French beer ,wine and champagne in Britain ,were jailed yesterday.
  the men were leaders of an 11-man group which made at least 42...example...on the Dover-Calais ferry in three months.
  Trucks of cheap drink were brought into the country and sold ...21 ...at Sunday market, And corner shops in South Wales , Two secret teams of customs officers ... 22...vehicles between Kent and Cardiff in an operation called "chancer". Eleven men admitted their part in a.. ...23...to avoid paying duty on beer and spirits.
  Mr. Roger Thomas said it was ...24 ... that 70, 000pounds of unpaid duty was involved between January and April last year when the gang was ... 25 ...the smuggling group. Cases of beer, wine and champagne were brought to a rented warehouse in Cardiff before being ... 26 ... to traders. Mr. Richard Nichols, a former market trader, Mr. Qichard Spencer ,a shopowner, and Mr Raymond Tout , were put in prison for ... 27...of nine, four and three months ... 28 ... Judge Michael Burr said the group had used "an army of helpers "in an organized conspiracy to make ... 29 ... money. He ordered six other men to carry out community service and conditionally...30...two others who had played a lesser role.
  After the ... 31 ...customs investigators said that the group made as many as four cross channel trips a day ...32... to a hypermarket near Calais. They went into business only three weeks after the new customs laws came into ... 33...on New Year's day last year. The investigators added : "We hope these jail ...34...will be a big help to tackle this...35...crime which is causing concern to the retail industry.
  A. holidays B. tours C. trips D. voyages
  Answer: C
  21. A. lawfully B. secretly C. legally D. illegally
  22. A. tracked B. travelled C. saw D. watched
  23. A. accident B. conspiracy C. hope D. dream
  24. A. calculated B. considered C. counted D. estimated
  25. A. meeting B. talking C. organizing D. using
  26. A. moved B. rented C. distributed D. using
  27. A. times B. lengths C. terms D. periods
  28. A. each B. altogether C. long D. respectively
  29. A. hard B. easy C. comfortable D. simple
  30. A. closed B. discharged C. opened D. liberated
  31. A. trial B. sentence C. accident D. case
  32. A. occasionally B. particularly C. mainly D. consequently
  33. A. being B. force C. strength D. use
  34. A. words B. sentences C. phrases D. punishment
  35. A. widespread B. terrible C. serious D. rare

  Section A
  Questions 36 40
  . Read this text about Turkish Airlines
  . In most of the lines (36 - 40) there is one extra word which does not fit in. One or two lines, however , are correct.
  . If the line is correct, put a tick (√)in the space on your Answer Sheet.
  . If there is an extra word in the line (36-40) that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.
  Example :
  Because we Turks are famous for hospitality, you may just find yourself...√...
  Thinking therefore we're an important centre of modern civililzation...therefore...
  For centuries, istanbul was the ce4tre of ancient civitisation. And today
  36. it's easy to see why. Although much has changed, but Istabul is still
  37. very central when traveling to the Middle East or Asia. And possibly
  38. it's very central to the enjoyment of your trip as well as. On Turkish
  39. Airlines ,you'll have the comfort of our modern planes which offer
  40. to you extra room for your legs and wide Business Class seating ,not to
  mention the ordinary recreations. PART FIVE
  Section B
  Questions 41-45
  . Your friend works as secretary in a British company in China. He has written a letter in answer to a Canadian Customer's complaint.
  . In each line there is one wrong word.
  . For each numbered line (41 -45) write the correct word in the space on your Answer Sheet.
  Example :
  Mr. Davidson works hardly every day and he is a model worker ...hard...
  Dear Mrs. David,
  I received your letter dated December the 21st complaining
  41. about the qualify of our TL135 camera! checked with our
  42. manager and I am now answer your questions: Your can mail
  43. the flawed camera to us and paying the postage by yourself. Then
  44. upon receiving your package, we'll immediate send you a new one.
  45. And the postage is on us. I look forward to hear from you.
  Thank your for your letter.





