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新编剑桥商务英语[初级] Unit 1A

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Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary
Unit 1a: Job descriptions
Listening 1 Conversation 1
So,are you from London then-or just here for the meeting?No,I'm not from London but my company has offices here.
What kind of company is it?
I work for an IT company.I'm a consultant.
Conversation 2
Where do you work?
I work for a large pharmaceutical company.And what do you do?
I'm the head of the Marketing Department.
Conversation 3So what kind of products do you sell?Anything that helps people make money.
How do you mean?
Financial services. I sell investment products.
Conversation 4
Tell me,does your consultancy work with big companies?No,we do the accounts for small and medium-sized companies. Ah,I see.
Do you have clients in London?
Some but not many.Most of our clients are in Reading.Conversation 5So,you work in the food industry?Yes,I'm a factory manager.
Oh,really? What do you make?
We produce frozen food.
Conversation 6And what do you do?
I'm a manager in Personnel.
What kind of company do you work for?We make packaging for fresh food.Unit 1a: Job descriptions Listening 2 Helen Marsden Hello,I'm Helen Marsden.I work as a marketing manager for a large pharmaceuticals company.My department produces vaccines against hepatitis and so on.We normally sell our vaccines directly to doctorsso one of my jobs is to discuss our new products with doctors.Marketing managers don't always do this,but I do as I'm a qualified doctor.I'm also responsible for our publicity materialso I have to deal with designers and printers.My area is central Europe,So I have to deal with the health authorities in those countries.That means my job involves a lot of travelling.And finally,when we produce a new vaccine,it's my job to organise a conference for the medical pressso that they can ask us question about it.Robin SeatonHello,I'm Robin Seaton.I work for a company called Vacupack.I'm responsible for employing most of the people in the company.I write the job advertisements and then I have to choose which applicants I want to interview.Usually,I interview the applicants with the head of the department where the vacancy is.I then have to contact the applicants after the interview,both the successful and unsuccessful ones.Another duty is dealing with employees' problems.Of course many of them are work-related,but people do sometimes come to discuss parsonal problems with me.My job also involves informing employees if the management isn't satisfied with their work,which isn't a pleasant part of the job.

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conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

qualified ['kwɔlifaid]


adj. 有资格的,有限制的

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

personnel [.pə:sə'nel]


n. 职员,人事部门

vaccine ['væksi:n]


n. 疫苗

publicity [pʌb'lisiti]


n. 公众的注意,宣传,宣扬,宣传品,广告

produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

unsuccessful [,ʌnsək'sesful]


adj. 失败的;不成功的


关键字: 剑桥 商务英语 歌曲




