A:If you want to increase sales in such a weak market, you will have to lower your prices.
B: As I see it, that will make our profits go down.
A: I know, but I think if you lower your prices, and spend a little more money on quality analysis, sales will go up.
B: You mean if we lower prices and have better quality, we'll get more customers to buy from us?
A: Exactly. You'll increase your market share while we're in a market slump. Then, when market fluctuations stop you can slowly raise your prices and make bigger profits.
B: And in a strong market there will be many new customers. They'll buy from us because everyone will know we have the best-quality products. Thanks for your report.
● 依我看…
1. As I see it...
2. From my viewpoint...
3. In my view...
"as",‘如;就’之意。"see"在此不是‘看见’,应解释为‘知道、了解’。句型中的"it"是指前面所提到的某件事情或主题,这句型之后就直接说明自己对这件事的看法。"As I see it"有缓和语气的作用,很清楚地让对方知道这仅是个人的看法。这个说法与前面提过的"It is my opinion that ....."相似。
weak market 市场疲软
"weak"原指‘虚弱的、无力的’;在此是指‘不旺盛’。市场疲软发生在繁荣期过后;此时商品供过于求,交易活动渐趋冷淡。与"market boom"及"strong market"相反。
market share 市场占有率
"share"原是指‘所分得的一部份’;在此"market share"指某制造商及或某品牌同类产品的销售额占该产品市场总需求量的百分比。
market fluctuations 市场波动
"fluctuation"原指‘上下摆动、摇动’,在此指市场、物价不平稳。"market fluctuations"即是说某产品在市场上的价格涨跌不定。
strong market 市场坚挺
这个词组是指市场景气,对商品的需求很大。"strong",‘强壮的、坚稳的’;"strong market"与"market boom"相同;为"weak market"的相反词。