1.每件货物应单独用油纸包好。 Each item is to be wrapped separately in gerase-paper.
2.每只木箱体积不应超过1.5m*1m*1m. All measurements of each case must not exceed 1.5m*1m*1m.
3.每只木条箱内装4只大瓶子将空余处填满。 Each single crate is heavily padded and packed with 4 carboys.
4.请严格遵守包装及商标的细则。 Full details regarding packing and marking must be strictly observed.
5.为便于搬运,绳子或铁把手不可缺少,并将其固定在箱子上。 To facilitate carrying, rope or metal handles are indispensable and should be fixed to the boxes.
6.包装费中有1美元是包装桶的费用,此费用在桶还给我们时可退回。 Our packing charge includes $1 for the drum, which sum will be credited on return.
7.纸箱外加了两道箍,每个箱角都用金属角加固。 The whole carton is packed with double straps, each corner of the carton consolidated with metal angles.
8.泡沫塑料用来防止挤压。 Foam plastics are applied to protect the goods against press.
9.选择合适的运输方式很重要。 Its essential to choose the right means of transportation.
10.为了确保迅速交货,我方要求此订货用空运。 To ensure faster delivery, you are asked to forward the order by air freight.
n. 要素,要点
adj. 必要的,重要的,本