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商务交际高手 Lesson11:Advertising and...

来源:听力课堂 编辑:qihui   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Situational conversations

Dialogue one how is our advertising campaign

A: How is our advertising campaign?

B: It will be staring next week, we’ve decided to use a variety of media for full coverage.

A: How would you do that? Could you put it in details?

B: First, we will have 32nd sports on television once a day for 5 weeks, meanwhile we will do 15 second radio commercials 3 times a day in selected cities, finally we will have so me electric advertisements too.

A: Electric advertisements?

B: Yes, electric advertising is quick inexpensive and wild spread.

Dialogue two the products must be advertised on television

A: Last month, you told me that you would give me an advertisement plan after you did some market research.

B: Yes, do you have time listen to my plan?

A: Sure, go ahead.

B: Our products are being advertised only in the print media, that’s far from enough.

A: What media do you recommend then?

B: I think the products must be advertised on television too.

A: That could be awfully expensive.

B: But for a new company, such expenses are necessary.

Dialogue three how much is your budge

A: How much is your budge for the products?

B: About 3000 Yuan per month.

A: How long does this budge last?

B: 6 months.

A: Do we have a slogan?

B: Yes, the advertising agency is working on that right now.

Dialogue four how will you push your new product this time

A: I am glad to tell you that the advertisements have had a good effect. We have received many orders recently, well done, Tony.

B: Thanks.

A: How will you push our new products this time?

B: I think one of our main strengths is the quality of our product, so as part of our marketing mix, we will label a product as an item with above average quality.

A: In order to get our campaigns to a success I suggest we work out a careful plan.





