BEC商务考试热词聚集:跨行取款收费Chinese banks have doubled the fees on withdrawing cash from other banks' ATMs to four yuan per withdrawal. 我国多家银行已将跨行取款收费上调至每笔四元,是之前收费金
BEC商务考试热词聚集:年终奖Only 20 percent of employees expect their year-end bonus will be more generous than last year's, while the inflation mounted to 4.4 percent. 在通货膨胀率高达4.4%的情况下
BEC商务考试热词聚集:劳动力供给China will be able to maintain its development thanks to a sufficient labor supply for at least the next 40 years. 中国未来40年内劳动力供给充足,仍将保持发展势头。
BEC商务考试热词聚集:收入差距CPPCC would give its full attention to factors affecting social stability that have their source in the excessive income gap. 政协会高度重视因收入差距过大而影响社会稳定
BEC商务考试热词聚集:落地签证A new policy allows overseas tourists traveling in a group to get visas upon arrival in East China's Zhejiang province. 新政策允许前往浙江省的外国旅游团取得落地签证。
BEC商务考试热词聚集:工资协商制度About 1000 small and mid-sized enterprises in China currently lack a collective negotiation system on wages. 中国约有1000家中小型企业中目前没有建立工资集体协商制度。
BEC商务考试热词聚集:边境检查International delegations arriving in Shanghai would be entitled to special passage for swift border inspection. 上海将为外国参展团提供专用通道实行快速边境检查。 "热
BEC商务考试热词聚集:星级饭店The country is planning to accelerate a mechanism with which to strip poorly run star-rated hotels of their star rankings. 国家计划加快建立机制,以便将那些经营不善的星级
BEC商务考试热词聚集:新兴产业The Chinese government stressed the importance to step up efforts to develop emerging industries of strategic importance. 我国政府强调了逐步推进发展战略性新兴产业的重要