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CRI News Report:China asks India to cooperate to maintain border stability

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China asks India to cooperate to maintain border stability
A Foreign Ministry spokesman has asked India to work with China to maintain peace and stability in border areas.
Spokesman Hong Lei made the remark when asked to make comment on a news report of Indian officials participating in activities organized by the so-called "Arunachal Pradesh" region.
Hong Lei said China's stance on Sino-Indian border issues, including disputes regarding the eastern section, has been consistent and clear-cut.
China advocates seeking a fair and rational solution through equal and friendly negotiations.
He also called on India to refrain from taking any action that could complicate the issue.

Syriacondemns decisions by Friends of Syria conference


Syriahas rejected and condemned all decisions and comments by the Friends of Syria conference on Saturday.
The state-run SANA news agency says the conference came as a result of a failed plot targeting Syria and its people.
It says Syria totally rejects any calls to arm the oppositions.
Meanwhile, the Syrian army on Saturday continued its crackdown on armed insurgents and killed at least 20 of them, only one day ahead of a planned referendum on a draft constitution.

NATO confirms 2 service members killed in Kabul


NATO has withdrawn all its personnel from Afghan ministries after two senior US officers were shot dead in the interior ministry building in Kabul.
The shooting occurred on the fifth day of protests on Saturday across Afghanistan over Quran burning by U.S. forces in Bagram military base.
The motive behind the attack was not cleared.
More than 30 people have been killed and over 180 injured during angry protests that broke out on Tuesday following reports of burning Quran by U.S. forces in Bagram airbase in Afghanistan.

Al-Qaida claims responsibility for car bombing attack on Yemen's presidential palace: statement

The Yemen-based al-Qaida wing has claimed responsibility for a car bombing attack on the presidential palace in southeastern province of Hadramout on Saturday that left at least 32 Republican Guards killed.
It says in a statement that the Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula carried out the ' martyrdom' operation against the Republican Guards in Mukalla on Saturday in revenge for the continuing crimes by the government's elite forces.

U.S.drone crashes in northwest Pakistan

A U.S. drone has crashed in Pakistan's northwest tribal area of North Waziristan which borders Afghanistan.
Reports say the U.S. drone fell down Saturday night due to some unknown technical problem with the unmanned aircraft.
Meanwhile, hundreds of tribesmen from North Waziristan launched a two-day sit-in in Pakistan's capital Islamabad, protesting against the U.S. drone strikes in the country. Protesters believed that such strikes have seriously violated Pakistan's space territorial rights.

15 killed in north China bus plunge
Fifteen people have been confirmed dead after a tourist bus plunged into a ravine Saturday morning in north China's Shanxi Province.
Authorities say the accident happened at a section of the State Highway 207 in the county of Zezhou, administered by Jincheng City.
The 35-seat bus, carrying 34 people, was en route to Jinzheng City in Shanxi Province from neighboring Henan Province.
The cause of the accident is still under investigation.

Vice Premier urges intensified anti-drought efforts
Vice Premier Hui Liangyu has called for intensified efforts to battle droughts and ensure livelihoods in south China's drought-plagued Yunnan province.
During an inspection tour of the province, the vice premier said local governments must make every effort to ensure water supplies for daily use and agricultural production.
A brutal drought has wracked the province since late last year, leaving more than 3 million people without sufficient supplies of drinking water as of Monday.

Chinese energy chief stresses coal consumption control
China will work to control coal consumption this year in the face of strained coal supplies.
Liu Tienan, head of the National Energy Administration, told a national energy conference that putting a cap on total coal consumption will help to hasten industrial restructuring and promote the transformation of China's economic growth model.
He urged efforts to ensure a stable coal market, increase efficiency, raise the sector's valued-added output and strengthen coal mine safety.
China aims to cap its total energy consumption at 4 billion metric tonnes of coal equivalent by 2015, an annual increase ofover 4 percent.

Chinaaims to rehabilitate 250,000 square km of eroded land
Chinaaims to rehabilitate 250,000 square km of eroded land to make it habitable again by 2015 by intensifying its efforts to deal with water loss and soil erosion.
The ministry of water resources says the country also aims to build over 2.6 million hectares of agricultural terraces by 2015 to ensure food supplies for 30 million people.
Nearly one-third of China's land is vulnerable to soil erosion, and the phenomenon is particularly severe in the country's western regions.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
complicate ['kɔmplikeit]


vt. 弄复杂,使错综,使起纠纷

refrain [ri'frein]


n. 重复,叠句,副歌
v. 节制,避免,克制

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

constitution [.kɔnsti'tju:ʃən]


n. 组织,宪法,体格

inspection [in'spekʃən]


n. 检查,视察

promote [prə'məut]


vt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销

border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

technical ['teknikəl]


adj. 技术的,工艺的

brutal ['bru:tl]


adj. 野蛮的,残暴的

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会


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