Scientists Race to Contain Malaria: New Discoveries, More Resistance科学家们努力控制疟疾:新发现,抵抗性更强Published May 17, 2013此视频发布于2013年5月17日Two new medical discoveries are raising hopes of containing malaria - the mosquito-borne parasitic disease that each year infects more than 200 million people and claims an estimated 660 thousand lives. Meantime, the World Health Organization is warning about dire consequences if a drug-resistant form of malaria spreads beyond southeast Asia.两项新的医学发现重新燃起控制疟疾的希望。疟疾是一种由蚊子传播的寄生疾病,每年有2亿多人感染此病,预计有66万人因此死亡。同时,世界卫生组织警告,如果具有抗药性的疟疾传播到东南亚以外的地区,后果将不堪设想。