New Natural Gas Pipeline Into NYC Is Volatile Issue
Published May 31, 2013
New York City is crisscrossed with underground natural gas pipelines, many decades old, supplying cooking and heating gas to homes and businesses. But safety and environmental concerns about a new gas pipeline being built into Manhattan’s west side have given rise to protest, and calls for New York to move more quickly to sustainable forms of energy. VOA's Carolyn Weaver reports on the situation.
纽约市的地下天然气管道引发危机,其中很多已使用数十年之久,这些管道为家庭以及企业提供天然气以供烹饪或取暖 。在曼哈顿岛区,一条新的天然气管道正处于建设之中,但是,其带来的安全及环境问题导致人人纷纷起义,要求纽约加快速度向可持续能源转变 。美国之声记者卡洛琳•韦弗为您现场报道 。