Argonne Unveils Green Supercomputer
Published July 16, 2013
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory in suburban Chicago is home to one of the newest, fastest, most efficient supercomputers in the country, called MIRA. But as VOA’s Kane Farabaugh reports, despite the new equipment, lawmakers are concerned that the United States is losing the international supercomputing race, a field it has dominated for decades.
坐落于芝加哥郊外的美国阿贡国家实验室拥有全美最新,速度最快,效率最高的巨型计算机,名为MIRA 。但是根据美国之声记者凯恩·法拉拔报道,尽管MIRA是最新的设备,但是国会议员们担心美国在国际巨型计算机竞赛中正在失去它的支配行业数十年的原有地位 。