Technology's Impact on People's Lives Mixed
Published February 06, 2014
Technology is permeating everyday life like never before. Computers, smartphones, 3D printers, new medical devices, sophisticated software, electric cars are now accessible, not only to residents of industrialized nations but to almost everybody else. Will these rapid changes make people’s lives overall better or worse? VOA’s George Putic talked with the co-author of a new book who says - whatever the changes - we better prepare to adjust.
科技已经渗透到人们的日常生活之中,这种情况绝无仅有 。电脑,智能手机,3D打印机,新型医疗设备,高级软件,电动汽车等都触手可及,这不仅发生在工业化国家,在世界上任何地方都是这样 。整体上看,这些快速的变化对人们的生活时好时坏?本台记者乔治·卜迪科同一本新书的合著者进行了谈话,他表示,不管变化时什么样子,我们都要做好适应的准备 。